Sr. No. Tasks Sub tasks Duration (Days) Status Week 1 1 Basics of javascript "- Javascript intro, - DOM selectors and its modification. - Variable declaration and difference between var, let and const - Loops, Functions, Conditional statements etc. - Playing with Data Structures like Array, Objects, Sets, Strings - Task should be assigned by the trainer for changing and manipulating data structures. - Introduction to be provided by trainer. - Browser javascript console, Networks, Application and Elements tab. " 1 2 Basics of a web app "- Understanding JSON - Understanding the client-server communication over the http protocols. - Learning the basic methods of HTTP request and their actions - Exploring Application Programming Interface(API's) or web services, its advantages - Difference between REST and SOAP web services, AJAX. Task: - Creating an HTML page using Bootstrap. - Creating multiple buttons - Write dummy web services over platform ( . - Call different web services on click of these buttons throwing some data from the web-services in list form. - Create HTML using the data from the service and update the DOM using the plain javascript. " 1 3 Advanced Javascript "- Understanding the differences and concepts between NodeJs, NVM, and NPM. - NVM, Node and NPM installation, - Understanding packages/modules in Js. - Understanding the file system with Js with basic javascript syntax. - Creating modules. - Requiring multiple files/modules in a file and playing to understand the order of execution. - Understanding the asynchronous process of execution of JS whenever there is an external system involved. l system involved. " 1 "- Working tough with asynchronous programming and understanding its perks/benefits compared to traditional programming languages. - Using callbacks inside callbacks to achieve the synchronous order of execution for the desired result. - Understanding the callback hell and the process to evade from it. - Learning about EcmaScript, its versions and its advantages over plain javascript(vanilla script) - Exploring promises of ES6. - Explore more about ES6 features of javascript and trying to change the day 2 task pattern to use ES6. - Understanding Babel and its advantages. - Exploring async/await of ES7 and other features of latest ecma versions and using the same. - Understanding webpack and its uses. " 1 4 Basics of ReatJs "- Node and NPM installation, - React installation, - React Intro, - Virtual DOM concept in React and its advantages. - React life cycle methods. - Render function of a component and its use. - Creating components and classes in using react to do the day 2 task. - State, Props and differences between them. - Setting State or changing the state. - Explore about react dev tools and debugging in react. " 1 Week 2 5 Advanced Topis "- Functional Component, - Class Components, - Pure components, - defaultProps, propsType, Error Boundry - Using all lifecycle methods inside the component (ComponentDidMount, ComponentDidUpdate, shoudlComponentUpdate" 1 6 Component lifecycle, React Routing "- Intro to React Routing. - Route, Router, Switch, Providers. - Creating multiple routes in the application - Passing on data when changing routes. " 1 7 Create simple To Do application with ReactJS "- Display To Do list using only react - Use bootstrap with a proper design. - Use proper success messages and error messages in the component. - Add item in To Do list, - Remove Item from To Do list. " 1 9 Create a simple Book Shop App by using React Routing "- Create this app with react only using predefined dataset. - Display list of different books - Use Book type filter on the list view. - On click of book diplay the book details by using React routing and React lazy loading concept. " 1 10 Git "- Learn about Git version control, repositories, branches, commits etc. - Update your latest code to any of the git repositories. - Learning how to create the react production build hosted using any web server Ex-(Apache, Nginx)" 1 REACT - ADVANCE TOPICS Week 3 1 HOC, context API, Hooks "- Higher order components, - Context API. - Intro to React Hooks, - Import components using React lazy loading, e.g suspense - Convert above TODO application with hooks." 1 3 Redux "- Redux introduction, - Store, - Reducers , Actions, data flow, using with ReactJs - Redux Thunk/Saga " 1 4 Create an application using redux Modify existing TODO application using redux 1 5 Miscellaneous Topic "- Refs and the DOM, - Forwarding Refs, - Uncontrolled components, - Context API with HOC" 1 6 React application from scratch(without using create-react-app) - Create a CRUD application using all the above topics with proper directory structure and routes. 1 1 Blog application "- Create a blog application with express framework using postgreSQL as a database. - Use AngularJs as frontend technology for the application. - Use proper authentication techniques, - The users boarded should have proper authorization for creating or editing resources. - Flow - User should be able to write a blog and submit. - The submitted blogs should be approved only by Admin users and once approved the blog is displayed as public. - A blog should have tags which can be added to it. - Comments feature on the blog details with having a reply comments to the first level comments. " # JS-training