
Basic Python Codes in One Place. Also, I Added Some Interesting Codes. This repository also contains a Coursera Course --- (Programming_for_Everybody--Getting_Started_with_Python).

Primary LanguagePython

Python Basic Programs and This repository also contains a Coursera Course (Programming_for_Everybody--Getting_Started_with_Python).

I followed a book which name was: Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming.

Table of contents

Chapter 1-2 Intro

Chapter 3: Introdicing Lists

1. Adding Elements to a List
2. Insert Elements into a List
3. Removing Elements from a List
4. Removing an Item Using the pop() Method
5. Removing an Item Using the del Statement
6. Sorting a List Permanently with the sort() Method
7. Sorting a List Temporarily with the sorted() Function
8. Printing a List in Reverse Order
9. Finding the Length of a List

Chapter 4: Working With Lists

1. Looping Through an Entire List
2. Doing Something After a for Loop
3. Making Numerical Lists (Using the range() Function)
4. Making Numerical Lists (Using range() to Make a List of Numbers)
5. Tuples
6. Looping Through All Values in a Tuple
7. Writing over a Tuple

Chapter 5: If Statements

1. A Simple Example
2. Testing Multiple Conditions
3. Using Multiple Lists
4. Checking for Special Items

Chapter 6: Dictionaries

1. A Simple Dictionary (Accessing Values in a Dictionary)
2. Dictionary
3. Adding New Key-Value Pairs
4. Modifying Values in a Dictionary
5. Empty Dictionary
6. Removing Key-Value Points
7. Looping Through a Dictionary (Looping Through All Key-Value Pairs)
8. Looping Through All Keys in a Dictionary
9. Looping Through a Dictionary's Keys in Order
10. Looping Through All Values in a Dictionary
11. Nesting (A List of Dictionaries)
12. Make an Empty List for Storing Medicines
13. A List in a Dictionary
14. A Dictionary in a Dictionary (** Key must be same **)
15. A Dictionary in a Dictionary (** Key must be same **) Example: 2

Object Oriented

MedicineGuidline Project By Python OOPS Concepts

Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

Assignments and Quizes Solution:

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

How To Run Text to Speech (Online Version)

1. pip install gTTS  (On Shell/cmd)
2. python P_to_P_Online.py  (On Shell/cmd)
3. Then It Will Generate a file.mp3 File.
4. Enjoy It.


pip install pyttsx3   (On Shell/cmd)
pip install PyPDF2    (On Shell/cmd)
python PDF_to_Audio_Book.py  (On Shell/cmd)

How To Run Text to Speech (Offline Version)

1. python -m pip install pywin32   (On Shell/cmd)
2. python T_to_P_Offline.py  (On Shell/cmd)
3. Then You Can Directly read from text without saving any mp3 file.
4. Enjoy It.

How To Run Snake Game

1. pip install windows-curses
2. python snake.py  (On Shell/cmd)
3. Then Enjoy The Game.

How To Run Countdown Timer

1. python countdown.py  (On Shell/cmd)
2. Set The Time After Run.
3. Enjoy It.

All the examples are useful examples.