
Fine-grained object detection in satellite images

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Satellitepy is a python module that focuses on fine-grained object recognition in high resolution optical satellite images. Our target objects are airplane, vessel, vehicle and helicopter. It provides handy tools to deal with many challenges that may rise during object recognition steps.

One of the advantages of Satellitepy is to train a DL model, i.e., MTL-BBAVector, by using multi-task learning, e.g, classification, detection and segmentation. There are 16 tasks in our pipeline. Satellitepy allows each task to be handled individually and/or jointly.

We keep the code and the documentation up-to-date, and resolve the issues as fast as possible, so you can use, deploy and develop satellitepy anytime. Feel free to create an issue for your problems/bugs during the usage of satellitepy.


We have trained/evaluated our models with the following datasets: DOTA (w. iSaid), Fair1M, XView, Rarepl. (Real+Synthetic), VEDAI, VHR-10, ShipRSImageNet, UCAS-AOD, DIOR and Potsdam.


We merge and harmonize various tasks in each dataset. The table shows the task avalability for each dataset.

Dataset HBB OBB CGC Role FGC FtGC Mask Diff. Attr. Res. (m)
DOTA (w. iSaid) X X X x - - X X - 0.5
Fair1M X X X x x - - - - 0.8
XView X - X x X - - - - 0.3
Rarepl. (Real) X X X X - - - - X 0.31
Rarepl. (Synth.) X X X X X X X - - 0.31
VEDAI X X X - X - - - - 0.125
VHR-10 X - X - - - - - - 0.5 - 2
ShipRSImageNet X X X X X x - X - 0.12 - 6
UCAS-AOD X X X - - - - - - 0.5
DIOR X - X - - - - - - 0.5-30
Potsdam X - X x - - X - - 0.5

where, HBB: Horizontal bounding box, OBB: Oriented bounding box, CGC: Coarse-grained class, FGC: Fine-grained class, FtGC: Finest-grained class, Diff.:Difficulty, Attr.: Attributes, Res.: Spatial Resolution


The evaluations of fine-tuned MTL-BBAVector models on the test subset of Fair1M can be found below.

Model CGC Role FGC
RoI Transformer 0.791 0.350 0.148
Rotated RCNN 0.789 0.441 0.115
BBAVector 0.834 0.542 0.163
MTL-BBAVector (not pretr.) 0.834 0.545 0.080
MTL-BBAVector (pretr. on single task) 0.867 0.573 0.088
MTL-BBAVector (pretr. on all tasks) 0.862 0.401 0.088
MTL-BBAVector (pretr. on best combination) 0.860 0.573 0.085

How to use


Please follow the steps in the installation manual to install satellitepy. After that, you can perform the following:

  1. You can create patches from original images to train/test your models.
  2. You can train a model on your patches.
  3. You can evaluate a pretrained model on your original test images. The model will make predictions for patches of the original image and merge the patch predictions automatically.


Please cite the following paper if you use satellitepy in your research.

@inproceedings{osswald2023fine, title={Fine-Grained Airplane Recognition in Satellite Images based on Task Separation and Orientation Normalization}, author={Osswald-Cankaya, Murat and Mayer, Helmut}, booktitle={IGARSS 2023-2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium}, pages={6545--6548}, year={2023}, organization={IEEE} }