
YiJing Divination with wheatonDice

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

guaCaster is a quick program that uses the 3-coin method to cast an YiJing Oracle.

It is mostly an exercise in modularity.

Though it is a completely legal implementation of an YiJing oracle, it is untested in the telling of fortunes.

!!!WARNING!!! Living your life by the pseudo-random results of a computer alorithm is not recommended and potentially dangerous.

If you wish to know the YiJing, a thorough study of it will yeild far better results, not to mention results more respectful to 'The oldest book in the world' and to Chinese Philosophical Heritage in general.

Nothing can substitute examining the life you're living.

THERE ARE NO WITLESS SOLUTIONS! If tossing coins solved problems, why would anyone go hungry? If gaining wisdom was this easy, who wouldn't be enlightened?