
IoT-Forward Minimax Noughts and Cross Apprenticeship Final Challenge

Primary LanguageGo


An Unbeatable Noughts and Crosses Game

Completed in 2 weeks in a language I had no familiarity with
Using all of the techniques learned in the apprenticeship
As proof of my ability to learn and deliver quality code
Without any advanced knowledge of the tools to be used

Proof that its not what you already know that matters.
It's what principles you have, how you fail, how you learn,
and how you respond to change over following a plan.


  • Go 1.9.3


  • clone this repo into a directory within your Go workspace.
  • from project root go install ./...
  • export PATH=$HOME/xox3/bin:$PATH


  • xox3


  • from project root go test ./...

Common Snags

if go can't find any of the projects packages, you might need to set the GOPATH

Domain Naming

You will see in the codebase certain names that will contain MNK MNKX or MNK3. These name are referring to the mathematical abstract of the kind of game noughts and crosses belongs to. Noughts and crosses is an m,n,k-game, specifically a 3,3,3-game. So if you were to see MNK in a name, it means the implementation is valid for any arbitrary m,n,k-game.

MNKX means the implementation will work for any arbitrary m,n,k-game where all three variable are equal.

MNK3 means the implementation will work for only a 3X3 game of classic noughts and crosses where 3-in-a-row wins.

These identifiers are meant to give information on what would need to be replaced to extend the game's versatility.