
Primary LanguageJavaScript

ns-dom: NativeScript DOM Library


ns-dom is a specialized library developed for NativeScript that offers a DOM-like interface for manipulating UI elements. While it may not be an everyday necessity for standard app development, it plays a crucial role in integrating various web frameworks with NativeScript. This library is particularly beneficial for developers looking to merge web-based technologies or frameworks with NativeScript, offering a seamless bridge between traditional web DOM operations and NativeScript's UI components.


Here's an example of how ns-dom can be used to create a NativeScript layout using DOM-like methods:

import { Application } from "@nativescript/core";
import { document } from "ns-dom";

function create() {
    // Create a new StackLayout
    const layout = document.createElement("StackLayout");

    // Create a Button and set its text content
    const button = document.createElement("Button");
    button.textContent = "Click Me!";
    button.addEventListener("tap", () => {
        label.textContent = "Original Button tapped!";

    // Create a Label
    const label = document.createElement("Label");
    label.textContent = "Welcome to ns-dom";

    // Append Button and Label to the layout

    // Clone the button and modify its text, tap event will be cloned
    const clonedButton = button.cloneNode(true);
    clonedButton.textContent = "I'm Cloned";
    // Style the cloned button
    // Insert the cloned button before the label
    layout.insertBefore(clonedButton, label);

    return layout;

Application.run({ create });

API Reference

The following table provides a comprehensive list of the DOM properties and methods implemented in the ns-dom library, giving an overview of its capabilities:

Method/Property Description Implemented
childNodes Returns a collection of child nodes. Yes
firstChild Returns the first child node. Yes
isConnected Indicates if the node is connected to the DOM. Yes
lastChild Returns the last child node. Yes
nextSibling Returns the next node at the same tree level. Yes
nodeName Returns the name of the node. Yes
ownerDocument Returns the top-level document object. Yes
parentElement Returns the parent element. Yes
parentNode Returns the parent node. Yes
previousSibling Returns the previous node at the same tree level. Yes
textContent Gets or sets the text content of the node. Yes
appendChild(child) Appends a child node. Yes
compareDocumentPosition(otherNode) Compares the document position of two nodes. Yes
contains(node) Checks if the node contains another node. Yes
getRootNode() Returns the root node. Yes
hasChildNodes() Checks if the node has child nodes. Yes
insertBefore(newChild, refChild) Inserts a new child node before the reference child node. Yes
isEqualNode(otherNode) Checks if two nodes are equal. Yes
isSameNode(otherNode) Checks if two nodes are the same. Yes
replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) Replaces an old child node with a new child node. Yes
removeChild(child) Removes a child node. Yes
removeAllChildren() Removes all child nodes. Yes
depthFirstSearch(root, target) Static method for depth-first search. Yes
attributes Returns the element's attributes. Yes
classList Provides methods for class manipulation. Yes
className Gets or sets the class name of the element. Yes
firstElementChild Returns the first child element. Yes
id Gets or sets the element's ID. Yes
innerHTML Gets or sets the HTML content of the element. Partial. Simple XML parsing only.
outerHTML Gets the HTML of the element including itself. Yes
lastElementChild Returns the last child element. Yes
nextElementSibling Returns the next element sibling. Yes
previousElementSibling Returns the previous element sibling. Yes
tagName Returns the tag name of the element. Yes
after(...nodes) Inserts nodes after the element. Yes
animate(animation) Performs an animation on the element. Yes
append(...nodes) Appends nodes to the end of the element. Yes
cloneNode(deep) Clones the element. Yes
before(...nodes) Inserts nodes before the element. Yes
getAttribute(name) Retrieves the value of an attribute. Yes
getAttributeNames() Returns the names of all attributes. Yes
getElementByClassName(className) Returns elements with the specified class name. Yes
getElementById(id) Returns the element with the specified ID. Yes
hasAttribute(name) Checks if the element has an attribute. Yes
hasAttributes() Checks if the element has any attributes. Yes
insertAdjacentElement(position, element) Inserts an element at a specified position. Yes
insertAdjacentHTML(position, html) Inserts HTML at a specified position. Yes
prepend(...nodes) Prepends nodes to the beginning of the element. Yes
querySelector(selector) Returns the first element that matches a selector. Partial. Limited to basic selectors.
querySelectorAll(selector) Returns all elements that match a selector. Partial. Limited to basic selectors.
remove() Removes the element from the DOM. Yes
removeAttribute(name) Removes an attribute from the element. Yes
setAttribute(name, value) Sets the value of an attribute. Yes
replaceChildren(...nodes) Replaces the children of the element. Yes
replaceWith(...nodes) Replaces the element with other nodes. Yes
addEventListener(type, listener) Adds an event listener to the element. Yes
dispatchEvent(event) Dispatches an event to the element. Yes
removeEventListener(type, listener) Removes an event listener from the element. Yes


Contributions to ns-dom are highly encouraged, especially as we strive to extend its functionality and compatibility. If you're interested in contributing or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on our repository.


ns-dom is available under the MIT License.