
Ok, lets talk about what this game should be.

This is a puzzle platformer kinda like battleblock theater or trine (by misake).

The story is that there is an good goddess and an evil one. The evil goddess has been sealed away but a ritual must be completed every year to reseal the evil goddess since the seal weakens over time. As such our heros embark on this quest to reseal them by transporting holy orbs to the shrines. However, our unwitting heros place a holy orb at an evil shrine and though the power of the evil goddess are embued with power (the power of jump!). Our godess explains that placing <#> of holy orbs on the evil shrine will empower the evil goddess enough to break the seal and continue her rampage. Our heros continue on their quests when the ghostly form of the evil goddess makes an appearance cursing one of the heros and making them one of her loyal subject and embuing them with more power. The only thing is, the hero's don't know which of them were cursed, only the cursed one knows and they aren't telling. As such, the cursed hero tries to use their new power to help prevent the other heros from completing the ritual in time to reseal the evil goddess.

The heros continue on their journey, however they are faced with difficult choices, deposting too many orbs at evil shrines will release the evil goddess, but each orb placed at an evil shrine gave the heros new powers making their job easier. The good goddess was not without her gifts though, when placing an orb at a good shrine the heros could pray to the good goddess to spite one of the party members, in order to keep the cursed party member in check if they were to reveal themselves.

TL;DR. there are 5 orbs on a level, if 3 orbs go to good shrines they win, if 3 orbs go to evil shines they lose. Each evil shirne gives new abiliteis like double jump and help remove some of the puzzle issues, but also make you closer to losing.