
A basic increment and decrement counter that utilizes redux for state management

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Counter App

This React Counter App is a simple demonstration of state management using Redux. It features a set of buttons that allow users to interact with the counter. The app utilizes the react-redux and redux libraries to manage its state.


Increment: Click the "Increment" button to increase the count by 1.

Decrement: Click the "Decrement" button to decrease the count by 1.

Increase by 10: The "Increase by 10" button adds 10 to the count.

Toggle Counter: The "Toggle Counter" button hides or shows the counter, offering a clean user interface.


DefaultCounter IncrementTenCounter ToggleCounter

Key Dependencies

react-redux: To connect React components with Redux.

redux: For implementing a Redux store and managing application state.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using npm install.
  3. Set up a Firebase project and configure the necessary credentials in the app.
  4. Start the development server using npm start.
  5. Access the app through your browser at localhost:3000.