
An Elixir StatsD client made for DataDog.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Data Daemon

Hex.pm Build Status Coverage Status Hex.pm

An Elixir StatsD client made for DataDog.

Quick Setup

# In your config/config.exs file
config :my_app, Sample.DataDog,
  url: "statsd+udp://localhost:8125"

# In your application code
defmodule Sample.DataDog do
  @moduledoc ~S"My DataDog reporter."
  use DataDaemon,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    extensions: [:datadog, :erlang_vm]

defmodule Sample.App do
  alias Sample.DataDog

  def send_metrics do

    tags = [zone: "us-east-1a"]

    DataDog.gauge("request.queue_depth", 12, tags: tags)

    DataDog.distribution("connections", 123, tags: tags)
    DataDog.histogram("request.file_size", 1034, tags: tags)

    DataDog.timing("request.duration", 34, tags: tags)

    DataDog.increment("request.count_total", tags: tags)
    DataDog.decrement("request.count_total", tags: tags)
    DataDog.count("request.count_total", 2, tags: tags)


The package can be installed by adding data_daemon to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:data_daemon, "~> 0.4"}

The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/data_daemon.



A DataDog extension is available offering the following functionality:

  • distribution/3 metric.
  • event/3 event sending over UDP.
  • error_handler is available as option and can be used to send errors as events.


Create an event for the DataDog event stream by passing a title and message to event/3.

The following options are also supported:

Option Description
:timestamp (optional) Add a timestamp to the event. Default is the current timestamp.
:hostname (optional) Add a hostname to the event. No default.
:aggregation_key (optional) Add an aggregation key to group the event with others that have the same key. No default.
:priority (optional) Set to :normal or :low. Default :normal.
:source_type_name (optional) Add a source type to the event. No default.
:alert_type (optional) Set to :error, :warning, :info or :success. Default :info.


defmodule Sample.DataDog do
  @moduledoc ~S"My DataDog reporter."
  use DataDaemon,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    extensions: [:datadog],
    error_handler: true

defmodule Sample.App do
  alias Sample.DataDog

  def send_events do
    tags = [zone: "us-east-1a"]

    DataDog.event("Event Title", "Event body.\nMore details", tags: tags)

All event options are support, for more details see: []

Erlang VM

An Erlang VM extension is available logging Erlang VM stats/metrics every minute.

The reporting interval can be configured with the :rate (in millisecond) inside the :erlang_vm config.

Example: config :my_app, MyDaemon, erlang_vm: [rate: 1_000] for updates every second.

The following metrics are tracked:

  • vm.process.count, the current process count.
  • vm.process.limit, the current process limit.
  • vm.process.queue, the current amount of processes queued for running.
  • vm.port.count, the current port count.
  • vm.port.limit, the current port limit.
  • vm.atom.count, the current atom count.
  • vm.atom.limit, the current atom limit.
  • vm.error.queue, the amount of process messages queued for the error logger.
  • vm.uptime, erlang uptime.
  • vm.refresh, the amount of time (ms) since last stat check.
  • vm.reductions, amount of reductions.
  • vm.message.queue, total queued messages over all processes.
  • vm.modules, current amount of loaded modules.
  • vm.memory.total, total memory use in Kb.
  • vm.memory.processes, total process memory chunk use in Kb.
  • vm.memory.processes_used, total process memory use in Kb.
  • vm.memory.system, total system memory use in Kb.
  • vm.memory.atom, total atom memory chunk use in Kb.
  • vm.memory.atom_used, total atom memory use in Kb.
  • vm.memory.binary, total binary memory use in Kb.
  • vm.memory.code, total code memory use in Kb.
  • vm.memory.ets, total ets memory use in Kb.
  • vm.io.in, total IO input in Kb.
  • vm.io.out, total IO output in Kb.
  • vm.garbage_collection.count, number of garbage collections.
  • vm.garbage_collection.words, number of words garbage.


0.4.5 (2024-04-25)

Fix recompilation when IP does not change.

0.4.3 (2023-11-17)

Added test helper clear function. (by @punchcafe)

0.4.3 (2023-10-23)

Respect runtime configuration.
Error with {:error, :not_started} when Daemon is not started.

0.4.1 (2022-08-09)

Fix resolving url with IP as host. Reduce dependency on Plug. Namespace logging.

0.4.0 (2020-08-11)

Improved metrics throughput by sharing named sockets/ports.

0.3.4 (2020-03-15)

Elixir 1.10 support. (Purely spec updates.)

0.3.3 (2020-02-06)

Bug fixes:

  • UDP socket leak on DNS refresh.

0.3.2 (2020-02-01)


  • Full documentation and specs for using module.
  • Doctest support for target module.

Bug fixes:

  • DataDog distribution custom metric identifier.

0.3.1 (2020-01-31)


  • Custom metric type passing. (binary)
  • Extended module based config options.

Bug fixes:

  • DataDog specs. (Dialyzer)

0.3.0 (2020-01-30)


  • New socket logic for Erlang OTP 22 and up.

Bug fixes:

  • Hound spec. (Dialyzer)
  • DataDaemon spec. (Dialyzer)

0.2.4 (2020-01-29)

Bug fixes:

  • Make hound resolve and open a new socket on some errors.

0.2.3 (2019-04-30)

Bug fixes:

  • Make hound update async to prevent pool-resolver deadlock.

0.2.2 (2019-04-29)

New features:

  • vm.refresh erlang vm metric that tracks time (ms) since last stat check.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes issue where the vm.uptime metric wouldn't actually track uptime, but time since last vm check.

0.2.1 (2019-04-27)

New features:

  • :minimum_ttl option to set a minimum TTL to prevent excessive refreshing. (Default: 1_000)


  • :erlang_vm extension runs as additional child to restart during crashes.
  • Perform actual resolve in async process to prevent deadlock during excessive DNS refresh.
  • DNS resolves in separate process removing use of :timer and only sending an update to workers if IP changes.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes issue where the :erlang_vm would link its process not to the DataDaemon, but the calling process.

0.2.0 (2019-04-17)

New features:

  • :erlang_vm extension. Logs Erlang VM stats/metrics every minute. (Can be configured)


  • Make config more dynamic.
  • DNS resolves in separate process removing use of :timer and only sending an update to workers if IP changes.

0.1.4 (2019-03-25)

New features:

  • Allow config overwrite by passing keyword settings to the child spec or start link.


  • Keep using old IP in case DNS refresh fails.
  • Added extra logging around DNS failures.

0.1.3 (2018-11-03)

New features:

  • The :hound setting now allows you to set the pool settings.


  • DNS lookup only updates header on change.


  • Functions with default arguments are now properly overwritten.

0.1.2 (2018-10-09)

New features:

  • Test mode now supported as configuration.
  • The :error_handler setting now allows you to set a minimum level. (Default: :info, possible: :debug, :info, :warn, and :error)
  • Add :dsn_refresh config for refreshing the host name. (Default: :ttl, possible: :ttl and <integer>. (seconds))


  • DNS lookup only updates header on change.


  • Functions with default arguments are now properly overwritten.

0.1.0 (2018-10-07)

New features:

  • Extension system to allow for different StatsD extensions.
  • Add new tag and value formats:
    • iodata now supported for tags and values.
    • {:config, app, key} now supported for tags.
  • DataDog Events are now supported with event/3.
  • DataDog can now be used as error handler by setting error_handler: true in module.


  • Plug reported optimized for detached user response and compile time optimizations.