Honeygain JumpTask Mode | Honeygain Sign Up
Run the project locally by first cloning this repository and
into its main directory.# clone the repository git clone https://github.com/IanMaguithi/Honeygaindockerlinux.git # Navigate to the newly cloned directory cd Honeygaindockerlinux
Create a new virtual environment:
- If using vanilla virtualenv, run
virtualenv venv
and thensource venv/bin/activate
- If using virtualenvwrapper, run
mkvirtualenv venv
- If using vanilla virtualenv, run
Install the project requirements by running this command on your project terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Important: depending on your system, make sure to use pip3
and python3
Install and setup Docker here if you do not already have it installed in your machine.
All information on how to use Honeygain with Docker can be found in this link here.
Before running the Honeygain Docker Image, get the current copy of ToU by running:
docker run honeygain/honeygain -tou-get
Initialise the script by running the following command:
python3 initialize.py your_email your_password your_device_name
Find the path to where the project is located. Do this by running the following command:
# print working directory pwd
- An example of the output of this command.
Execute the following command to make our script executable:
chmod +x main.py
Setting up a crontab to run on reboot. Open the crontask list by using the following command:
crontab -e
You will be prompted to select an editor to update the cron task with if you have multiple text editors. Choose your preferred option. In this case, however, we'll use the default option nano.
Use the following command to set our script to run at every system boot. @reboot [path to venv] [path to project] I'll use an example to elaborate using the path we had obtained earlier in step 4 and assuming our virtual environment is in the same root folder honey.
@reboot /home/user/folder/Honeygaindockerlinux/venv/bin/python /home/user/folder/Honeygaindockerlinux/main.py >> ~/cron.log 2>&1
'>> ~/cron.log 2>&1' This extra step in the command above logs errors into cron.log. You can view the output of the logs by running the following command on your terminal.
cat cron.log
Check out this link for further information if you run into errors.
Finally, save changes by pressing Control + S and exit Nano by pressing Control + X
Your script is now ready. Restart your machine, open your terminal, and run the following to confirm that your Honeygain docker image is up.
docker ps
After the script has started you should see your new device running on your dashboard.
You can run the script manually without a crontab task by executing the following command in the project terminal.
python3 main.py
If you should encounter any issue, please first search for similar issues, and only if you can't find any, create a new issue.