This program is a simple Dungeons and Dragons character creator. The user is able to create a list of characters and also review this list of characters. At this time, characters can be neither edited nor deleted from within the program, though both of these things are possible through manually editing the CSV file located within the program files. There are three sample characters included on the CSV.

This program utilizes a master loop that allows for continuous creation or viewing of characters as well as the ability to exit the program. The program features a list that is populated with several values, which are then retrieved for use in the program. Finally, the program reads from (along with writing to) a CSV files. 

July 2022, session #2 UPDATE:
The updated application replaces hard coded lists of character alignments, character races, and character classes with information parsed from a web API (the character background option was removed due to lack of support from the API). The program now also implements a unit test to ensure the character creator constructor is functioning correctly, and now includes a feature accessible from the main menu to enter the date of your next game to receive the amount of time remaining until that game. Additionally, the program now will assign strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma stats from 3-18 using a random number generator. 

June 2024: Removed depreciated session time and Cyberpunk 2020 compatibility.