
A password generator written in node-js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A password generator written in node-js, 2021.10.20


A small command line application that generates passwords. You can pass in different flags to the application to get different types of passwords and set things like the password length.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Run npm i to install the necessary packages

After installing all the necessary packages, run the following commands in your terminal

  • run 'passgen' to generate a password and copy it to the clipboard
  • run 'passgen -s or --save' to save the password to passwords.txt file
  • run 'passgen -l or --length' to set the password length
  • run 'passgen -ns or --no-symbols' to generate a password without symbols
  • run 'passgen -nn or --no-numbers' to generate a password without numbers