
Migrate FreeRTOS to the LPC1549 board and do some interesting applications for the Arduino Ext Board

Primary LanguageC


This BSP is modified based on the NXP official LPCOpen Software Development Platform LPC15XX.

Please reference the LPCXpresso for LPC1549 for more information about this board.

In this demo, an Arduino Accessory Shield is used to rich the applications. The following components are included in this shield

  • 0.96inch OLED (SSD1306 drived)
  • Triaxial Accelerometer (ADXL345)
  • High precision RTC (DS3231)
  • Temperature Sensor (LM75B)
  • RGB LED (P9813 drived)
  • Adjustable Potentiometer
  • Rocker
  • Buzzer

For more information about the shield, please refer to the WaveShare Accessory Shield Wiki

Getting Started

  • Preperation

    • Install MDK-Arm and the packs for NXP LPC1500 Series Device.
    • Download the necessary SOFTWARE & TOOLS in the NXP website for BASIC Usage Guide of the board.
    • Follow the instructions in the User Guide to get the board boot up.
  • Build and run the image

    • Open the MDK project in the folder applications\lpc15xx\keil\nxp_lpcxpresso_1549\freertos, build the image.
    • Make sure the CMSIS-DAP Debugger is selected in MDK debugger configuration Options for Target -> Debug.
    • Download the code to flash memery and press the reset button.
  • Demo instruction

    • The demo creates a simple task to flash the Blue LED on the board.
    • Also a UART driver and the FreeRTOS-PLUS-CLI feature is added.
    • An I2C Bus and LM75B drivers are demonstrated in the Arduino task. And the temperature is also displayed on the OLED Screen.


  • The LPCXpresso1549 have the ROM resident driver feature and the ROM API is provided. So the I2C driver in this demo take advantage of the I2C ROM API.
  • Some driver code is modified based on the drivers in uC/OS, but the comments may still not have been corrected.