
Exercises for http://haskellbook.com/

Primary LanguageHaskell

Study group


  1. Fork the repository by clicking on the fork button on github
  2. Clone your fork, for example here is ashic's fork
git clone git@github.com:ashic/haskell-book-study-group.git
  1. Add remote to upstream project
git remote add upstream git@github.com:julien-truffaut/haskell-book-study-group.git

# Verify the new remote named 'upstream'
git remote -v
  1. Keep your fork up to date with latest exercises by fetching upstream
# Fetch from upstream remote
git fetch upstream

# Checkout your master branch and merge upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master

We will only put exercises in the upstream project, if you want to share answers please push them in your own fork.

Build with Stack

install stack

cd ch04; stack setup
// open src/Lib.hs in your favorite editor

stack build // to compile
stack ghci  // to run repl
stack test  // to run tests