
Plugins discovery for Jekyll, built with Jekyll – A proposal.

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Plugins discovery for Jekyll, built with Jekyll – A proposal.

Build Status

NOTE: This is just a proposal and does not represent any functionality of Jekyll at present.

Adding your plugin

  1. Fork the repository

  2. Create a feature branch like my-cool-plugin

  3. Add a new file in _posts with today's date and the name of your plugin as the slug (e.g. 2013-07-19-my-cool-plugin.markdown)

  4. Add plugin info in YAML front-matter:

    layout: plugin
    title: My-Cool-Plugin
    description: I make jekyll cooler, yo.
    author: mygithubusername
    git: git://github.com/clone/url/for/my/project.git
    repository: https://github.com/ericdfields/Jekyll-Dribbble-Set-Tag
  5. Save and submit a PR to this repo

Your plugin will be added to the site once your pull-request has been merged.

Plugins Are Gems

In an effort to make versioning and distribution as simple as possible, your Ruby-based plugin should be distributed as a gem. This project hopes to make the _plugins folder somewhat obsolete, as Jekyll will simply autoload your plugin.