
A little ruby script to help me figure out timing of my Tabata invterval sets. Useful to anyone else? Unlikely.

Primary LanguageRuby


A little ruby script to help me figure out timing of my Tabata invterval sets. Useful to anyone else? Unlikely.


First you need a Tabata Interval. The standard is 20 seconds of full effort followed by 10 seconds of light effort.

tabata_interval = TabataInterval.new(20,10)

Say you want to break up your 8 Tabata intervals into 3 sets of 3, 2, 3

tabata_sets = [3,2,3].map {|c| TabataSet.new(c, tabata_interval)}

Then you want rest 45 seconds between each set. And you've got 60 seconds of warmup before you start your first set:

rest_period = 45
warmup_period = 60
Workout.new(tabata_sets, warmup_period, rest_period, Stopwatch.new)

You'll see in response:

Start at 01:00
Heavy to 01:20
Light to 01:30
Heavy to 01:50
Light to 02:00
Heavy to 02:20
Light to 02:30
Rest for 45 until 03:15
Heavy to 03:35
Light to 03:45
Heavy to 04:05
Light to 04:15
Rest for 45 until 05:00
Heavy to 05:20
Light to 05:30
Heavy to 05:50
Light to 06:00
Heavy to 06:20
Light to 06:30
Rest for 45 until 07:15