
An async Quake 3 RCON implementation with a CLI

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

aio-q3-rcon PYPI Version CI

An async Quake 3 RCON implementation for Python


pip install aio-q3-rcon

or with the cli extra

pip install aio-q3-rcon[cli]

CLI Usage


  -p, --port INTEGER RANGE        [1<=x<=65535]
  --timeout FLOAT RANGE           [x>=0.01]
  --fragment-read-timeout, --fr-timeout FLOAT RANGE
  --retries INTEGER RANGE         [x>=1]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

API Reference

class Client(host: str, port: int, timeout: float, fragment_read_timeout: float, retries: int, logger: Logger | None)

  • Parameters:
    • host: str - the host / IP / domain of the server to connect to
    • port: port - the port of the server to connect to
      • default value is 27960
    • timeout: float - the timeout for network operations
      • default value is 2.0
      • for network operations with retries, the timeout applies to the rewrite attempts as a whole, rather than being per retry
    • fragment_read_timeout: float - the timeout for waiting on potentially fragmented responses
      • default value is .25
      • the Quake 3 server can sometimes send fragmented responses, since there is no consistent way to tell if a response is fragmented or not, the best solution is to wait for fragmented responses from the server whether they exist or not. This value is the timeout for waiting for those responses.
    • retries: int - the amount of retries per network operation
      • default value is 2
      • all network operations except for reads are wrapped in retry logic
    • logger: Logger | None - the logger instance
      • default value is None
      • if there is no logger specified, a logger that has disabled set to True will be used instead
      • currently only some debug information is logged
  • Methods:
    • connect(verify: bool = True) -> None
      • connects to the server
      • if verify is True, then the heartbeat RCON command is sent and the password is checked as well
      • if Client is being used as a context manager, this will be called automatically upon enter
    • close() -> None
      • closes the connection to the server
      • if Client is being used as a context manager, this will be called automatically upon exit

exception RCONError

  • Base exception all aio-q3-rcon errors derive from
  • Raised when the provided password is incorrect