Small Web Starter

The Small Web Starter is made for building prototypes or very small websites.


The Small Web Starter includes all you need to start a prototype or very small website. Highlights: Gulp will automate all your frontend-tasks, Scss will be used to write your css and Bower will manage your vendors.

Getting started


Bower is used to manage all our vendors.

Setup your vendors in the bower.json file. Use the .bowerrc to specify where your vendors will be placed. Gulp will also use this file to find out where your vendors are located.

Now run bower install in your terminal at the root of the project folder to install your vendors.


Gulp will automate all your frontend-tasks for you. It will read out the gonfig.json file to get things started. It will take care of all your assest. Be sure to take a look at gulpfile.js to know what is going on. Every task is well documented.

Use the gonfig.json file to setup your project for gulp. Define your basic paths and specify witch vendors and js you want in your main javascript file.

To get started, run npm install in your terminal at the root of the project folder and then run gulp to build your app and to start a local server (localhost:8080) and a watch for your live-reload files.


Scss is used to write your css. Gulp will take care of the compiling and will store your css in the dist/css/ folder.

A extended styles scaffolding is provided and can be found at app/scss/. It provides a basic folder structure, a custom normalize and some basic typography styles.


A namespaced scaffolding is provided and can be found at app/js/.

Gulp will uglify (only when you execute the build-task) and combine all your javascript-files into one single file named footer.min.js. It will store this file in the dist/js/ folder.

Editor config

There is also a .editorconfig file present to ensure code-consistency throughout your files.


Place your images in app/img/ and Gulp will optimize any image and svg present. It will store the optimized files in the dist/img/ folder.