This amazing project gives you a number of restaurants and their menu items , also after loggin using your google account you can create , delete and update your own restaurants and menu items
#To Run This Project You Will Need : 1- Python3 Get it from here: 2- Vagrant Get it from here : 3- Virtual Box get it from here :
1-Steps To Get Environments & Softwares: 1-Use a terminal You'll be doing these exercises using a Unix-style terminal on your computer. If you are using a Mac or Linux system, your regular terminal program will do just fine. On Windows, we recommend using the Git Bash terminal that comes with the Git software. If you don't already have Git installed, ===>download Git from:
2-Install the platform package for your operating system. You do not need the extension pack or the SDK. You do not need to launch VirtualBox after installing it; Vagrant will do that. ===>NOTE: Ubuntu users: If you are running Ubuntu 14.04, install VirtualBox using the Ubuntu Software Center instead. Due to a reported bug, installing VirtualBox from the site may uninstall other software you need. Windows users: The Installer may ask you to grant network permissions to Vagrant or make a firewall exception. Be sure to allow this.
3-Download the VM configuration : you can use Github to fork and clone the repository
4- Run your application : # python
5-Access and test your application by visiting http://localhost:9090 locally
6- You can see your JSON data notation through here -> 'http://localhost:9090/restaurants/put_here_restaurant_id/menu/JSON/'
"VERY IMPORTANT HNIT" if you want to login using facebook -> you MUST have https connection , then how ? all you have to do is to follow the instructions in the link blow -> This will give you a secured connection when you make the port " 9090 " so you can login easling using your facebook account# restaurant-menu-app