
Angular application with a Firebase Integration

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Basic learning project created to learn the basics of Angular.

Home Page Cart Page Login Page Register Page
Home Page Cart Page Login Page Register Page


This project was created following this Course. Please look through the Commits for a step by step guide to the course.


These were the commands used within various stages of the project.

# Install Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli

# Create the Application
ng new firebase-test-app

# Generate a Component
ng generate component books
ng generate component book-item
ng generate component cart

# Generate a Service
ng generate service books/books
ng generate service services/cart # Global

# Generate a Modeule (creates a folder at the name by defualt)
ng generate module books

# Install for development and create a tailwind config file
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init


This project is styled using Tailwind css

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