
A npm package that uses OpenAI + Langchain to perform convenient commands in the terminal

Primary LanguageTypeScript

gpt-npm-cli v0.1.5

A npm package that uses OpenAI + Langchain to perform convenient commands in the terminal.

Get Started

Ensure that typescript is installed globally npm install -g typescript.

To get started with the project clone the repository and run npm i & npm run build & npm install -g . within the project root.

Mac or Linux users may have to run sudo before some of these commands.

Calling the gptcli command from the command-line will run the CLI.

For updates simply run git pull & npm i & npm run build within the project root.

It is important to set your keys to expect full functionality. run the gptcli config command for more information.

Example: setting the openai key

gptcli config openai <key>


The following is a list of commands currently configured within the gptcli:

  • gptcli config: Configures environment variables required to run programs within the CLI, it is recommended that you set any required variables through this command before using the CLI.
  • gptcli summary: Summarizes text and webpage contents, uses map reduce to ensure no limits are encountered for the text
  • gptcli translate: Translates the input text to a desired language.
  • gptcli understand: Parses a webpage and allows the user to ask questions about its contents in chat format.
  • gptcli chat: Runs a chat interface, limited to 1 step of reasoning per message.
  • gptcli prompt: Answers a single prompt with no history. Can perform complex multi-step reasoning.

Environment Tools

Additional envrionment variables can be set to enabled agents with the following functionalities:

  • Search Functionality: Provided thorugh SerpAPI or ValueSerp
  • Live Stock Price Functionality: Provided thorugh Finnhub

The following commands can be improved by setting Environment Tools:

  • gptcli prompt
  • gptcli chat

Envrionment Variables:

  # Sets the SERPAPI_API_KEY, enables search functionality
  > gptcli config serpapi <key> 

  # Sets the VALUESERP_API_KEY, enables search functionality
  > gptcli config valueserp <key> 

  # Sets the FINNHUB_API_KEY, enables live stock price functionality
  > gptcli config finnhub <key>


For more information run the gptcli help command.