- 0
- 0
Where is the documentation?
#35 opened by slhck - 5
Rails 6.0.0.rc1 Support
#31 opened by tiagocassio - 7
Support for Pagy
#22 opened by cseelus - 2
- 1
How can I send data in hash with other keys?
#29 opened by an-nasir - 4
issue with nested associations
#27 opened by sumit-rvtech - 0
Update Badges
#26 opened by thelastinuit - 0
#25 opened by thelastinuit - 8
Include to Interactions
#10 opened by frostmark - 0
Add custom :page param
#24 opened by kurenn - 4
undefined method `each' for 1:Fixnum
#13 opened by Meekohi - 7
[Solved] undefined method 'paginate'
#17 opened by blimey85 - 14
undefined method `paginate'
#6 opened by BrahimDahmani - 5
- 0
pagination.per_page shows 0 when per_page is not defined in neither params nor as a options
#14 opened by vivekmarakana - 4
Pager-api expecting kaminari despite config
#11 opened by ntaylor89 - 12
Metadata not appearing
#4 opened by hewrin - 6
Conflict with serializer
#8 opened by PAMulligan