
cajache is a minimalistic javascript caching library.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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cajache is a minimalistic javascript caching library.

  • ⚡ Optimizes your projects reducing the number of HTTP request or heavy actions performed.
  • 🚀 Lightweight.
  • ⚪️ Zero dependencies.

Table of contents


const cajache = require("cajache");

Quick start

Permanent cache

const myFetchFnc = axios.get("https://your.api/resource");

const response = await cajache.use(
// The first time it will execute myFetchFnc.

const cachedResponse = await cajache.use(
// The second time it will return cached value instead re-executing myFetchFnc.

Temporal cache

const myFetchFnc = axios.get("https://your.api/resource");

const response = await cajache.use(
        ttl: 1000, // 1 second
// The first time it will execute myFetchFnc.

// Sleep 3
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 3000));

const nonCachedResponse = await cajache.use(
        ttl: 1000, // 1 second
// The second time it will NOT return cached value because it's expired.

Creating a new instance

const cajache = require("cajache");
const myInstance = cajache.new();

Instance options

const cajache = cajache(options);
Instance option Type Description
ttl number Default 0. Default TTL in miliseconds for all cached values. 0 = permanent
checkInterval function Default 1000 * 60 (1 min). Interval in miliseconds to check if cached values with ttl are expired.
path string Dot path to the property that will be cached. Example: "axiosResponse.data".
condition function On cache miss, this function will receive as argument the response of fnc. If it returns true the response will be cached, if it returns false it won't be cached.

Use cases

Cache HTTP requests

// fetch 1: 248.659ms
// fetch 2 (cached): 0.015ms
// fetch 3 (cached): 0.008ms

console.time("fetch 1");

let characters = await cajache.use(
    () => axios.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/14"),

console.timeEnd("fetch 1");
console.time("fetch 2 (cached)");

characters = await cajache.use(
    () => axios.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/14"),

console.timeEnd("fetch 2 (cached)");

console.time("fetch 3 (cached)");
await cajache.use(
    () => axios.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/14"),
console.timeEnd("fetch 3 (cached)");

Cache paginated HTTP requests

// fetch page 1: 284.629ms
// fetch page 2: 208.210ms
// fetch page 1 (cached): 0.018ms
// fetch page 2 (cached): 0.008ms

console.time("fetch page 1");

let characters_page1 = await cajache.use(
    ["characters", "page_1"],
    () => axios.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/?page=1"),

console.timeEnd("fetch page 1");
console.time("fetch page 2");

let characters_page2 = await cajache.use(
    ["characters", "page_2"],
    () => axios.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/?page=2"),

console.timeEnd("fetch page 2");

console.time("fetch page 1 (cached)");

characters_page1 = await cajache.use(
    ["characters", "page_1"],
    () => axios.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/?page=1"),

console.timeEnd("fetch page 1 (cached)");
console.time("fetch page 2 (cached)");

characters_page2 = await cajache.use(
    ["characters", "page_2"],
    () => axios.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/character/?page=2"),

console.timeEnd("fetch page 2 (cached)");




const cachedResponse: Promise = cajache.use(
    id: "myId",
    fetchFnc: () => stuff,
    options: {},
Parameter Type Description
id string | Array<string> Unique identifier of the cache entry. If you pass an array like ["parent", "child"] it will be treated as deep nested id. If parent is deleted all children will be deleted too.
fnc function Your function that will be cached. Can be async.
options object Same as instance options (without checkInterval). If set, it will override instance options, otherwise it will use them.


// Simple id
const response = await cajache.use(
    () => axios.get("https://you.api.com/characters"),
// Nested id
const response = await cajache.use(
    ["location_2",  "characters", "page_3"],
    () => axios.get("https://you.api.com/location2/characters?page=3"),

Example with expire:

const response = await cajache.use(
    ["location_2", "characters", "page_3"],
    () => axios.get("https://you.api.com/location2/characters?page=3"),
        expire: 1000 * 30, // 30 seconds

Example with path:

const response = await cajache.use(
    ["location_2", "characters", "page_3"],
    () => axios.get("https://you.api.com/location2/characters?page=3"),
        path: "character.name",

Example with condition:

const response = await cajache.use(
    ["location_2", "characters", "page_3"],
    () => axios.get("https://you.api.com/location2/characters?page=3"),
        condition: apiRes => apiRes.isError === false,



Parameter Type Description
id string | Array<string> Unique identifier of the cache entry

Examples: ```js const characters = cajache.get("characters"); ```


const location2_characters_page3 = cajache.get(["location_2", "characters", "page_3"]);



cajache.set(id, value );
Parameter Type Description
id string | Array<string> Unique identifier of the cache entry
value any Value you want to set


cajache.set("characters", {...} );


cajache.set(["location_2", "characters", "page_3"], {...} );



Parameter Type Description
id string | Array<string> Unique identifier of the cache entry you want to delete.

Delete location_2 cache entry (and his childrens):


Delete location_2.characters.page_3 cache entry (and his childrens):


Deletes all cache entries of the instance.



Sets the instance config.

cajache.setConfig(key, value);

Keys and values are the same as instance options.


cajache.setConfig("checkInterval", 1000 * 60 * 5); // 5 minutes

TTL watcher

  • It starts automatically when you create any instance.
  • It will only iterate over all cache entries with TTL.
  • It will delete all expired cache entries every config.checkInterval milliseconds.
  • It will check the instance config (config?.checkInterval) after each iteration to stop or continue the loop.
  • If the checkInterval is changed it will not not be effective until the next iteration.