
JetBrains Academy Kotlin Project

Primary LanguageHTML




A game of tic-tac-toe that two players can play from the beginning (with an empty grid) through to the end (until there is a draw, or one of the players wins).

The first player has to play as X and their opponent plays as O.


Prints an empty grid at the beginning of the game. Creates a game loop where the program asks the user to enter the cell coordinates, analyzes the move for correctness and shows a grid with the changes if everything is okay. Ends the game when someone wins or there is a draw. Output the final result at the end of the game.


The example below shows how the program should work. Notice that after Enter the coordinates: comes the user input.

|       |
|       |
|       |
Enter the coordinates: 2 2
|       |
|   X   |
|       |
Enter the coordinates: 2 2
This cell is occupied! Choose another one!
Enter the coordinates: two two
You should enter numbers!
Enter the coordinates: 1 4
Coordinates should be from 1 to 3!
Enter the coordinates: 1 1
| O     |
|   X   |
|       |
Enter the coordinates: 3 3
| O     |
|   X   |
|     X |
Enter the coordinates: 2 1
| O     |
| O X   |
|     X |
Enter the coordinates: 3 1
| O     |
| O X   |
| X   X |
Enter the coordinates: 2 3
| O     |
| O X O |
| X   X |
Enter the coordinates: 3 2
| O     |
| O X O |
| X X X |
X wins