- 0
Installation issues in Kali Linux.
#37 opened by arafatjamil01 - 0
#36 opened by Fckthefakebereel - 0
#35 opened by Fckthefakebereel - 0
#34 opened by Fckthefakebereel - 1
Can't install SubOver!
#32 opened by Nguyen-Trung-Kien - 3
open providers.json: no such file or directory
#31 opened by Mr-1X1 - 7
open providers.json: no such file or directory
#25 opened by marcelo321 - 4
nothing shown
#27 opened by jepunband - 0
- 3
cannot find package
#28 opened by w4h4z - 1
Installation Issue
#21 opened by qusaialhaddad - 0
- 1
Error: no such file or directory
#24 opened by ForeGuards - 1
- 0
- 8
Error message: open /src/ no such file or directory
#13 opened by kohldampfer - 4
argument -o is useless
#20 opened by s0llar - 2
Installation issue
#15 opened by kirtiso - 2
Check for too
#16 opened by bugbaba - 6
Unable to find subdomain takeover for unbounce
#17 opened by ranjit-git - 2
- 2
Github page takeover doesn't work
#18 opened by swisskyrepo - 5
looks like the tool does not do anything
#14 opened by rhalyc - 1
- 3
Wrong fmt.Print function
#11 opened by eur0pa - 2
Domain already in use
#10 opened by sl4cky - 3
#8 opened by its0x08 - 3
- 4
Tool not providing output
#4 opened by securitybites - 4
Differences from tko-subs?
#3 opened by 0xdevalias - 0