
A Movie Recommender that takes the input as Book Summaries

Primary LanguagePython


A project developed for Enigma's HackWeek Edition 1. [Topic: Recommender Systems]


After reading a book, many readers would like to watch a movie that is very similar to the books they saw online. Book-Movie-Recommender recommends a book based on the input as the summary of the book.

How it works

There are two datasets involved: CMU's Movie Summary Corpus and CMU's Book Summary Dataset

A summary is chosen from the book dataset, and then it's cosine similarity with a movie summary is calculated. The cosine similarities are ranked and the 5 highest values are shown.

Limitations & Fixes

Brute force, i.e. value = cosine_similarity(Book_Summary, Movie_Summary) for all Movie_Summary's takes too much time. An alternative is to sort all movies by genre's and process it according to genres. However, Anime is a genre of a movie that does not exist for book. The last attempt which seems to give approximately good results is to create a relative cosine_similarity Hash Table. Calculate a the cosine_similarity with respect to the first summary and store the cos_sim*1000 in a Hash Table. Then check the value*1000 in the hash table.

Current Files

The current files do not include the Hash Table.

The current files are

  • Calculate-RelativeCos-Movies.py which is the relative cosine calculator.
  • Driver-RelativeCos.py which is the driver to find out the best match.