
Making the cross-gantry experience easier for everyone.

CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly ReciprocalCERN-OHL-W-2.0


Unicross is a simple 180mm cross-gantry 3d printer. It was designed to fill a niche - that being cheap cross gantry printers. The BOM cost is about $400, making this printer a good replacement for a Prusa Mini or other similar machine.


There is no assembly guide, because I made this machine primarily for myself, but there are attached STEP files for the toolhead and main assembly to reference off of. A BOM is completed.

The BOM totals to about $420 using the parts I used, but I also picked some fairly high quality parts. This build can be much cheaper - below $400 - if you so desire.

Onshape: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/c27a3c37a85bf871058d970a/w/8efdc285a080f347fddd0032/e/d65661c6b902910ffd47d532