
Issues found===

  1. rebalance mechanism has some significant flaws
    1.1 like: we calculate portfolio on 2005-09-01, get $X amount. then rebalance on the next day 2005-09-02 end price, which means we lost 1 day growth/loss. these is a gap, the gap is 1 day
    1.2 so, the solutuion is rebalance the ETFs using the same day price as we calculate the portfolio value

  2. affecting parameters:
    2.1 rebalance strategy. eg: top 3 performing sector ETFs
    2.2 rebalance frequency eg: every 3 months
    2.3 SPY distribution for conservativeness eg: 60% in SPY, and stick with this ratio
    2.4 Alpha ETF distribution eg: evenly distributed among top 3 ETFs