
PDFs of recommended books mentioned in a GitHub repo "A Study Path for Game Programmer".


This repository collects all PDFs of recommended books mentioned in a GitHub repo A Study Path for Game Programmer. And you can use this Trello board template of this repo to customize your learning path.

1. Computer Science

CS Foundation


Mathematics for CS

2. Programming Languages


Beginning C++

C++ Practice

C++ Standard Library


3. Software Development

Beginning Software Development


Design Pattern

4. Mathematics for Game Programming

Beginning Mathematics for Game Programming

Advanced Mathematics for Game Programming

5. Game Programming

Beginning Game Programming From Windows/DirectX

Beginning Game Programming From Unreal

Intermediate Game Programming

6. Game Engine Development

Beginning Game Engine Development

7. Computer Graphics

Beginning CG Programming

Beginning CG theory

Advanced CG: Real-Time Rendering

Advanced CG: Offline Rendering

8. Game Audio

Game Audio Programming

9. Game Physics and Animation

Beginning Game Animation Programming

Beginning Game Physics Programming

10. Game Artificial Intelligence

Beginning Game AI

Intermediate Game AI

11. Multiplayer Game Programming

Beginning Multiplayer Game Programming

Server Programming

Network Protocol

Network Programming