A very slight framework based on PHP7.1+ for universal API controlling.
Requirements: PHP7.1+ and above. Any kind of web server or running under CLI mode.
It can be used as:
1. Normal develop framework for Web
2. API controller for all types of Apps
3. Client for program communication
4. Or more...
As normally use, it responses one result from one method to one request, just like what we do now on an ordinary web development.
But, it may response multiple results from multiple methods to one request, when we need it to "guess" what we need based on the data we gave.
Don't expect too much, it is just a newborn framework though~
Extensions in "/ext/" makes it growing.
Functional extensions (class) are considered to moved out to the third part to maintain.
Not only extensions, but sub-projects based on NervSys are expected.
Everyone can join the project. Ideas, codes, tests, suggests, supports, etc...
Many thanks!
/ **Root directory
├─api.php Main entry
├─README.md Readme
├─LICENSE Lincese
├─core/ **Core directory
│ ├─cli/ **CLI working directory
│ │ └─logs/ **CLI logging directory
│ ├─ctr/ **Controller directory
│ │ ├─os/ **OS controller directory
│ │ │ ├─lib/ **OS interface directory
│ │ │ │ └─cmd.php OS command interface
│ │ │ ├─linux.php Linux Controller
│ │ │ ├─winnt.php WinNT Controller
│ │ │ └─(need more...) Need more controllers
│ │ ├─router/ **Router directory
│ │ │ ├─cgi.php CGI execution script
│ │ │ └─cli.php CLI execution script
│ │ ├─os.php Main OS controller
│ │ └─router.php Main Router controller
│ ├─conf.ini Config file for CGI mapping and CLI commands
│ └─conf.php Config file for core system
├─cors/ **CORS config file directory
│ ├─http.domain_1.80.php CORS config for "http://domain_1:80"
│ ├─http.domain_2.8080.php CORS config for "http://domain_2:8080"
│ ├─https.domain_3.443.php CORS config for "https://domain_3:443"
│ └─... More individual CORS config files
└─ext/ **extension directory
├─font/ **font directory
├─lib/ **extension interface directory
│ └─keys.php Cryption Key generator interface
├─upload/ **Upload extension related directory
│ ├─en-US/ **Upload language folder (en-US)
│ ├─zh-CN/ **Upload language folder (zh-CN)
│ └─upload.ini Upload error code file
├─crypt.php Encrypt/decrypt extension
├─crypt_code.php Auth Code extension
├─errno.php Error code extension
├─file.php Filesystem related IO extension
├─http.php HTTP request extension
├─image.php Image processing extension
├─keygen.php Cryption Key generator extension
├─lang.php Language pack extension
├─mpc.php Multi-Process Controller Extension
├─pdo.php PDO connector extension
├─pdo_mysql.php MySQL extension for PDO
├─redis.php Redis connector extension
├─redis_lock.php Lock extension on Redis
├─redis_queue.php Queue extension on Redis
├─redis_session.php Session extension on Redis
├─sock.php Socket extension
├─upload.php Upload extension
└─... There will be more in the near future
Files of a project should be better containing just in one folder right under the ROOT folder.
Files inside a project can be placed as will.
Some example structures:
root/ **Root directory
├─PR_1/ **Project 1 folder
│ ├─ctr/ **Controller folder
│ │ ├─a.php a script
│ │ └─b.php b script
│ ├─lib/ **library folder
│ │ ├─a.php a script
│ │ └─b.php b script
│ ├─exe/ **executable program folder
│ │ ├─c.php c script
│ │ └─xxx xxx executable program
│ ├─.../ **Other folders containing functional scripts
│ │ └─....php Model ... script
│ └─conf.php Config file for Project 1
└─PR_2/ **Project 2 folder
├─model_a.php Model a script
├─model_b.php Model b script
├─model_c.php Model c script
├─....php Model ... script
└─conf.php Config file for Project 2
All script should under the right namespace for better calling by NervSys API.
root/ **Root directory
└─pr_1/ **Project 1 folder
├─ctr/ **Controller folder
│ └─test_1.php test 1 script
├─xxx/ **Controller folder
│ └─xxx.php test 1 script
├─test_2.php test 2 script
└─conf.php Config file for Project 1
**Format for test_1.php:
//The right namespace follows the path structure
namespace pr_1/ctr;
//Any other extensions and namespaces can be used here
use ext\http;
//Class name should be exactly the same as the file name
class test_1
* Important!!!
* This is the TrustZone config for NervSys API.
* The keys should be function names which we want them to be called by API,
* while the values should be the data MUST be sent to the function.
* Don't put optional data in TrustZone values,
* otherwise, API will ignore the request if optional data is not passed.
* All callable functions should be public.
public static $tz = [
test_a = [a, b, c],
test_b = [b, c],
test_c = [c],
//Leave empty but check via passing params
//or, use them as above
test_d = []
* Initial function for API
* It will be called directly when exists.
* Data, authority or more should be checked here before other functions
* are called.
* It has the permission to modify the API TrustZone config in the class,
* so, one or more keys can be added/removed when some cases are matched,
* just to avoid some requests which are not permitted.
* Suggestion: Don't return here, unless it really needs a return.
* examples as follows
public static function init()
if (some case) {
//Just add/remove one or more keys in TrustZone
//but let other functions ready for calling
self::$tz['func_name_ready_to_call'] = ['params'];
} elseif (denied) {
//Remove all from TrustZone
self::$tz = [];
//Give a return because no further functions will be be called
return 'Sorry, you are not allowed to go any further!';
//More code
//Data processing, function preparation, etc...
public static function test_a()
* This function must need variables [a, b, c]
* We can fetch the data from router::$data['a'], router::$data['b'], ...
* The returned value will be captured by router
* stored in router::$result['namespace/class_name/function_name']
... (Some code)
return something;
public static function test_b()
* This function must need variables [b, c], variable [d] is optional
* Just use router::$data['d'] if exists as it is optional
... (Some code)
return something;
* A Non-Static method
public function test_c()
* This function must need variable [c], variable [d] is optional
* Just use router::$data['d'] if exists as it is optional
... (Some code)
return something;
* Params passing example
public function test_d(int $val_a, string $val_b, $val_c = 1, $val_d = [])
* TrustZone config for this method is empty, but,
* there are params which will be checked and passed from API.
* The names of the params are equal to the data in router::$data.
* All params will be converted to the right type if declared, or,
* kept in original type as input data type if not declared.
* We can request without optional params if no need to pass, then,
* the default values will be used instead.
* We don't need to build the data manually, both value and order.
* The original data in router::$data will not change.
* URL GET EXAMPLE (Please read detail examples below):
* http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_d&val_a=1&val_b=b&val_c=10
* NOTE: Just write functions as usual.
... (Some code)
return something;
**Format for test_2.php:
//The right namespace follows the path structure
namespace pr_1;
//Any other extensions and namespaces can be used here
use ext\sock;
//Class name shoule be exactly the same as the file name
class test_2
public static $tz = [
test_a = [a, b, c],
test_b = [b, c],
test_c = []
public static function test_a()
//Fetch variables
... (Some code)
return something;
public static function test_b()
//Fetch variables
... (Some code)
return something;
public static function test_c()
//Fetch optional variables
... (Some code)
return something;
As said, it is an universal API controller. So, we can easily use it as follows as usual.
It receives normal GET/POST data, and stream data in JSON format.
Remember one param named "c" or "cmd", the two are equal.
Examples (using GET):
for test_1.php
1. http://HostName/api.php?c=pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a&a=a&b=b&c=c
2. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a&a=a&b=b&c=c
3. ...
Above are the strict mode with detailed function name, only "test_a" is called.
Let's see more:
1. http://HostName/api.php?c=pr_1/ctr/test_2-test_b&a=a&b=b&c=c
2. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_2-test_b&a=a&b=b&c=c
3. ...
We called "test_b" in "pr_1/ctr/test_2" with params "b" and "c",
"a" is obviously usless and ignore.
And there goes some interesting things, what if we do as follows?
1. http://HostName/api.php?c=pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a-test_b&a=a&b=b&c=c
2. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a-test_b&a=a&b=b&c=c
3. ...
Right, both "test_a" and "test_b" in "pr_1/ctr/test_1" will be called
sharing the same data of "b" and "c", "test_a" used one more "a".
This time, we do it as:
Yep. "test_c" will run right after, as it needs no required variables.
We now can get some compound results with differences in keys.
And what if we do as follows?
1. http://HostName/api.php?c=pr_1/ctr/test_1&a=a&b=b&c=c
2. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_1&a=a&b=b&c=c
3. ...
Could it be an error calling?
This is called loose mode.
If we do this, all functions listed in TrustZone
will be checked with the input data structure,
and will be called if the structure matched or contained.
"test_c" will always run right after, since it needs no required variables.
Call order is the TrustZone list order.
So, it'll be very useful to calculate in multiple algorithms
with one same data pack.
And more things here, we can always refresh the data structure
adding new data from results in our own function codes,
and let others be called in midway.
This is more powerful than strict mode,
but may bring some harm if don't pay attantion on it,
espcially on data written. Functions will be called out of prediction.
Once when we call as follows:
1. http://HostName/api.php?c=pr_1/ctr/test_2-test_a&a=a&b=b
2. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_2-test_a&a=a&c=c
3. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_2-test_a&a=a&c=c&d=d&xxx=xxx...
4. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_2-test_a&whatever...(but missed some of "a", "b", "c")
This won't happen because the input data structure dismatched.
API just chooses to ignore the request to "test_a" function,
and gives us a notice "[what] is missing" when "DEBUG" is set.
And what's more:
loose style:
1. http://HostName/api.php?c=pr_1/ctr/test_1-pr_1/test_2&a=a&b=b&c=c
2. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_1-pr_1/test_2&a=a&b=b&c=c
All functions that match the input data strucuture in both "pr_1/ctr/test_1" and "pr_1/test_2"
will run. With this, we can call multiple functions in multiple modules right in one request.
These functions share the same source data, and do their own work.
strict style:
1. http://HostName/api.php?c=pr_1/ctr/test_1-pr_1/test_2-test_a&a=a&b=b&c=c
2. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_1-pr_1/test_2-test_a-test_b&a=a&b=b&c=c
Functions placed in the URL (in "c"/"cmd" value, seperated by "-", order ignored, same in "POST")
and match the input data strucuture at the same time in both "pr_1/ctr/test_1" and "pr_1/test_2"
will run. With this, we can call EXACT multiple functions in EXACT multiple modules in one request.
These modules share the same function names when exist.
All functions share the same source data and run with the input order.
If we want to hide the real request path, make sure the "c" or "cmd" key is listing in "conf.ini"
under [CGI] section with the key as the input "c" or "cmd", and the real path and its possible
params as the value, or ever more. Settings can be compound.
Something examples:
mycmd_1 = "pr_1/ctr/test_1"
mycmd_2 = "pr_1/test_2-test_a"
mycmd_3 = "pr_1/test_2-test_a-test_b"
Then, the following two requests are equal.
1. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=pr_1/ctr/test_1-pr_1/test_2-test_a-test_b&a=a&b=b&c=c
2. http://HostName/api.php?cmd=mycmd_1-mycmd_3&a=a&b=b&c=c
CLI Command usage:
CLI options are as follows:
c/cmd: command
d/data: CGI data content
p/pipe: CLI pipe content
r/ret: process return option
l/log: process log option (cmd, data, error, result)
t/time: read time (in microseconds; default "0" means read till done. Works when r/ret or l/log is set)
Let's take "pr_1/ctr/test_1" as an example.
Full command should be as some type of follows:
1. /path/php api.php --ret --cmd "pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a" --data "a=a&b=b&c=c"
2. /path/php api.php -r -t 10000 -c "pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_b" -d "b=b&c=c"
3. /path/php api.php -r -l -c "pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a-test_b" -d "a=a&b=b&c=c"
4. /path/php api.php --ret --cmd "pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a-test_b" --data "a=a&b=b&c=c"
5. ...
JSON data package is also support as CGI mode
We can also do as follows:
1. /path/php api.php pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a -d "a=a&b=b&c=c"
2. /path/php api.php pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_b -d "b=b&c=c"
3. /path/php api.php pr_1/ctr/test_1-test_a-test_b -d "a=a&b=b&c=c"
4. /path/php api.php pr_1/ctr/test_1 -d "a=a&b=b&c=c"
5. ...
If we need to call external programs, make sure the "c" or "cmd" key is listing in "conf.ini"
under [CLI] section with the executable path and its possible params as the value, or ever more.
Something examples:
mycmd = "/xxx/path/mycmd -c -d --more"
1. /path/php api.php mycmd
2. /path/php api.php -c mycmd a b c
3. /path/php api.php --cmd mycmd -v a -b b c
4. ...
If data needs to be sent via pipe:
1. /path/php api.php mycmd -p "some data"
2. /path/php api.php -c mycmd --pipe "some data"
3. ...
Output data will be also captured as in CGI mode and outputs via STDOUT.
Don't forget to use "-r" or "--ret" to capture output data.
If time is too short to run extenal programs, use "-t ms" or "--time ms"
In CLI mode, there is a globle variable named "PHP_EXE",
with its value pointing to the running php executable path,
which we can execute another PHP process at anytime when needed.
Something we can do as follows:
/path/php /path/api.php -r PHP_EXE -v
/path/php /path/api.php -r PHP_EXE /path/api.php -r demo/demo
"PHP_EXE" value can be fetched in "os::get_env()".
About "cors" folder
This is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) config directory. Local resources are allowed to be requested from another domain outside the local domain by the config file names. In the config file, HTTP allowed headers should be put into router response headers for every domain that is allowed to request. Otherwise, no other requested headers will be accepted.
File name explanation:
"http.domain.80.php": allowed domain is "http://domain"
"http.domain.8080.php": allowed domain is "http://domain:8080"
"https.domain.443.php": allowed domain is "https://domain"
"https.domain.8000.php": allowed domain is "https://domain:8000"
or, even
"https.domain.80.php": allowed domain is "https://domain:80"
"http.domain.443.php": allowed domain is "http://domain:443"
Configurations explanation:
Simply put the allowed headers into array, and passed to router header.
\core\ctr\router::$header = ['X-Requested-With'];
\core\ctr\router::$header = ['X-Requested-With', 'Authentication'];
\core\ctr\router::$header = ['X-Requested-With', 'Custom_header_names'];
Special codes in config file
Important data should be carefully checked for granting permission firstly.
Exit the code when the data is not passed the checking immediately to avoid CORS.
Or you can output some JSON data to let the client know the request was denied.
if ('some key' !== $_SERVER['HTTP_Key']) exit('{"err": 1, "msg": "Request Denied!"}');
About "conf.php" in Project root directory
Each project could have a "conf.php" as the only config file for the whole project script, in which we can set some values for extension's variables or some sepcial definitions.
So that, the scripts in this project will run under these settings.
For example:
We can set project 1 to connect database A, but using database B in project 2;
We can also set language to "en-US" in project 1, but "zh-CN" in project 2, etc...
But, always remember, don't define same named constants in different "conf.php"s. It'll conflict.
All "conf.php"s existed in the root directory of projects will be required in order right before inside script runs.
Class variables are suggested to use instead of definitions in "conf.php"s.
Some examples for "conf.php":
//named constants (don't conflict with other "conf.php"s)
define('DEF_1', 'xxxx');
define('DEF_2', 'xxxxxxxx');
//define "keygen" & "ssl_cnf" for "crypt" extension
\ext\crypt::$keygen = '\demo\keygen';
\ext\crypt::$ssl_cnf = '/extras/ssl/openssl.cnf';
//define MySQL connection parameters for "pdo" extension
\ext\pdo::$host = '';
\ext\pdo::$port = 4000;
\ext\pdo::$pwd = 'PASSWORD';
//parameters for "errno" extension
\ext\errno::$lang = false;
\ext\errno::load('cars', 'errno');
//parameters for "http" extension
\ext\http::$send_payload = true;
//More if needed
If you want to set all variables inside classes. That is OK, just leave the "conf.php" files away.
If you don't have a "conf.php" under the root directory of the project, all settings are inherited from the one before based on "/core/conf.php".
Once if there is only one element in router's result, it will output the inner content value in JSON and ignore the key('namespace/class_name/function_name').
If "DEBUG" option (in "/core/conf.php") is set to 1 or 2, the results could be complex because one or more elements for debugging will be added to results as well.
Always remember to close "DEBUG" option (set to 0) when all are under production environment, or, the result structure will confuse us with more values inside.
Version 5.0.0 is on going, and not compatible with versions before.
Demos for Ver 5.0.0 is here: DEMO. Just get it a try.
pdo_mysql Extension: shawn
README Chinese Translation: MileHan, kristemZZ, JreSun. URL 中文文档
Old version before 3.0.0 is discontinued and the source codes located here: 3.2.0
This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
You can find a copy of the license in the LICENSE.md file.