
This is a spigot plugin. Controls when player breed animals, set experiences and run custom commands.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

BreedSpawnControl Build Status

You can use this plugin run command when player breed animals or small villager spawned.

Default Sample Config Paragraph:

  # Check in ANY worlds when WorldSpecialThemSelf is false
    # Animals internal name.
      # If cancel is true, this animal breed event will cancel.
      Cancel: false
      # If set to -1, will use vanilla experience give, otherwise set exp value to this.
      Experience: 0
        # If is true, plugin will remove child entity after breed successfully.
        RemoveChild: true
        # Temp permission for bypass command use.
          # You can add negative permission like 1#.
          - 0#temp.permission.for.bypass.prefix.commands
          - 0#essentials.chat.color
          - 1#-essentials.helpop
          - 3#!test.permission
          - 3#groupmanager.manucheckp
          # Run command by player.
          # command without number prefix will auto insert list with this order.
          - I can't send message with &bcolor&r code.
          - /say I can't use say command too.
          # Run command by player after temp add permissions.
          # bypass command is key, cannot same as the other!
          # In 3#, permission with ! prefix will remove it before run command and add it after.
          # If uncertainty what permission this command have, you can write bypass command only without write in TempPermissions node like 5#.
          - 0#bypass:I can send message with &bcolor&f code.
          - 1#bypass:/helpop I can't use helpop command when default got it perm!
          - 3#bypass:/manucheckp <player> test.permission
          - 5#bypass:/say I don't know what permission need this command, but i can got temp op.
          # Run command by console.
          # If you want to use same command and order# together, like 13# 14# 15# you need use quote the command string and add space at last.
          - console:say use console run command
          - 2#console:manuaddp <player> test.permission
          - 4#console:manudelp <player> test.permission
          - 10#15%console:say This command only have <chance> percents chance to run.
          - 11#console:say And I can use <chance.int> or <chance.float2> or <chance.float4> random number in commands.
          - 12#console:tellraw @a {"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Also can use <chance.each.int.5.7> <chance.each.int.8.15> <chance.each.float.5.7.2> <chance.each.float.8.15.4> in commands."}]}
          - "13#33.33$console:say This three message will only show once."
          - "14#33.33$console:say This three message will only show once. "
          - "15#33.33$console:say This three message will only show once.  "
      Cancel: false
      Experience: -1
        RemoveChild: false
        TempPermissions: []
          # Also can specify command run order.
          - 0#console:say first
          - 2#console:say third
          # Now Command Format:
          # [order#][chance%][globalChance$][|bypass:|console:]<command>
          # All acceptable variable:
          # <world>       Event triggered world name.
          # <father.x>    Father entity location axis x.
          # <father.y>    Father entity location axis y.
          # <father.z>    Father entity location axis z.
          # <mother.x>    Mother entity location axis x.
          # <mother.y>    Mother entity location axis y.
          # <mother.z>    Mother entity location axis z.
          # <breeder.x>   Breeder entity location axis x.
          # <breeder.y>   Breeder entity location axis y.
          # <breeder.z>   Breeder entity location axis z.
          # <player>      If breeder is player, get player's name.
          # <random1;random2;random3>   Random apply one of these strings.
          # <chance>         This command active chance.
          # <chance.int>     This command active chance (Integer value).
          # <chance.float2>  This command active chance (Float value with 2 digits after decimal places).
          # <chance.float4>  This command active chance (Float value with 4 digits after decimal places).
          # <chance.each.int.MIN.MAX>                 Random a int value from MIN to MAX for this.
          # <chance.each.float.MIN.MAX.DECIMAL_PLACE> Random a float value from MIN to MAX and limit DECIMAL_PLACE digits after decimal places.
          #                                           Notice: MIN, MAX and DECIMAL_PLACE must be a Integer number.
          - 3#console:say <world> <father.x>,<father.y>,<father.z> <mother.x>,<mother.y>,<mother.z> <breeder.x>,<breeder.y>,<breeder.z> => <player> <randomString1;randomString2;randomString3>
          # Sample use % and $ together:
          - 50%40$console:say If first 50 percent is match, then judge second chance.
          - 50%30$console:say If pre command not match that 50 percent chance, then this 30$ chance is 30% not 30/(100-40) chances.
          - 100$console:say If you use % and $ together, recommand add one 100% and 100$ command at last.
  # Always check in world name matches them self, must be lowercase!
      # All in world settings without in "*" world must set Use to true!
      Use: true
      Cancel: false
      Experience: -1
        RemoveChild: false
        TempPermissions: []
          # Also can specify command run order.
          - 1#console:say second

Commands and Permissions:

/bsc - Show help (perm node bsc)

/bsc reload - Reload the plugin (perm node bsc.reload)

bsc.* - Get all permissions in any world triggerd.

bsc.*.* - Get all permissions in any world and any type animals triggerd.

Permission node format: bsc.<worldName>.<entityName>

All commands are default op.
If you want to test default config, please remember add bsc.* and bsc.*.* to self and de-op your self.