
A XSS vulnerability exploit tool based on Django.

Primary LanguagePython


Python 2.7

A Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploit tool based on Django Frame.

N.B: The project is under development and prone to bugs



  • XSS attacking cookies receiver without SQL database
  • Cookies viewer with admin permission


XSS_platform works out of the box with Python version 2.7.x on any platform.

You can download the latest zipball by clicking here.

Preferably, you can download anti-XSS by cloning the Git repository and then install requirements.

$ git clone https://git@github.com:lewangbtcc/XSS_platform.git XSS_platform
$ cd XSS_platform
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

After downloading, follow these steps to create database.

$ cd XSS_platform
$ python manage.py makemigrationgs
$ python manage.py migrate

Then you should create an admin account by following these steps.

$ cd XSS_platform
$ python manage.py createsuperuser

Following the admin account creation guild, you can easily register an admin account. Thus XSS_platform has completely installed.

To active the server, type

$ python manage.py runserver

Enjoy it!