
Self-hosted pastebin, link shortner and file drop solution.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Self-hosted pastebin, link shortner and file drop solution with an API.


  • API based, everything can be interacted with using CLI or code.
  • Pastebin.
  • Markdown or syntax highlighting typre preview for pastes.
  • Add expiry to pastes or burn them after reading.
  • Password protect pastes.
  • Link Shortner.
  • File Drop.
  • Imgur like preview for image or video file drops.

User/API Documentation

All paths are relative to your deployment, like betterbin.example.com. In the following routes, -> json means that the response is in json.


GET /paste/new -> html :

  • Create a new paste through the web page.

POST /paste/new -> json :

  • Create a new paste through a url-encoded POST request.
  • Parameter title - Your paste title. (Optional.)
  • Parameter content- Your paste content. (Required.)
  • Parameter expiry - One of year, month, week, day, hour, 10min, 1min, burn, never. (Optional. Default is never.)
  • Parameter password - If you want your new paste to be password protected. (Optional.)

GET/POST /paste/view/{pasteID} -> html :

  • Parameter password - If that paste is password protected. You can also enter the password in the web page when prompted. (Optional.)
  • Parameter preview - Preview type. One of markdown, code and plain. If its value is code and the lang param doesn't exist or is empty then it will try to automatically determine the code type. (Optional.)
  • Parameter lang - Language extension for advanced syntax highlighting. No need for the preview parameter if you add this. Example values are go, py, rs. (Optional.)

Example betterbin.example.com/paste/view/{pasteID}?preview=code or betterbin.example.com/paste/view/{pasteID}?lang=sql or betterbin.example.com/paste/view/{pasteID}?preview=markdown.

GET/POST /paste/raw/{pasteID} -> raw text :

  • Parameter password - If that paste is password protected. (Optional.)

GET /shortner/new -> html :

  • Create a new short link through the web page.
  • Parameter url - Default value of the url field of the webpage form. (Optional.)

POST /shortner/new -> json :

  • Create a new short link through a url-encoded POST request.
  • Parameter url - The long URL you want to shorten. (Required.)
  • Parameter id - Your preferred short linkID. (Optional.)

GET /s/{linkID} -> redirects to complete URL. :

  • Visiting this link redirects you to the complete URL.

GET /drop/new -> html :

  • Upload a new file/image/video through the web page.
  • File size limit is 10 MB.

POST /drop/new -> json :

  • Upload a new file using a multipart POST request.
  • Parameter upload - Attach your to be uploaded file here. (Required.)
  • Parameter title - The title for your file. (Optional.)
  • File size limit is 10 MB.

GET /drop/dl/{dropID} -> html :

  • Download your file drop through the web page. I the file is an image or a video then a preview will also be shown on this page.

GET /drops/{dropFileName} -> downloadable file :

  • Visiting this link returns your downloadable file.


Convert a text file to a sharable paste using curl

curl --data-urlencode content@somefile.txt https://betterbin.example.com/paste/new

Create a new file drop using curl

curl --form upload='@some-file.zip' https://betterbin.example.com/drop/new

Deployment Instructions


  • Get the executable binary from github releases or build your own (read the Makefile).
  • mkdir BetterBin
  • Copy the executable binary, the db, templates and static folders into the directory.
  • touch betterbin.sqlite
  • Download and install goose for migrations.
  • goose -dir ./db/sql sqlite3 ./betterbin.sqlite up
  • ./BetterBin -p 8963 -d ./betterbin.sqlite will start it at port 8963.
  • Use a reverse proxy like caddy/nginx/httpd/traefik for SSL.


Tested with Podman, should work with Docker as well. Replace podman with docker in the following command if using docker.

podman run -d \
    --name betterbin \
    -p 8080:8963 \
    -v /home/icewreck/Apps/Podman/BetterBin/data:/home/betterbin/app/data/:z \
    -v /home/icewreck/Apps/Podman/BetterBin/drops:/home/betterbin/app/drops/:z \


  • Database migrations are done using goose.
  • Read the makefile.