
Fast and simple terminal based Kanban board manager

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Fast and simple terminal based Kanban board manager


Taskgo demo


  • Vim Style keybinds
  • Uses markdown file to store data (which is very readable)


Note: Currently the only way to install taskgo is to build from source.

Make sure that you have setup go properly on your system and you have $GOPATH/bin in your $PATH variable (for linux/macOS) or environment variable for Windows.

$ go get github.com/singalhimanshu/taskgo

This will create a taskgo binary under $GOPATH/bin directory.


Simply run taskgo. This will create a taskgo.md file in your current directory.


You can press ? in the application itself to see the keybinds. But for reference they are here as well -

Key Description
j/down arrow Move down
k/up arrow Move up
l/h Move left/right
J/K Move task down/up the list
L/H Move task left/right the lists
a Add a new task
D Delete a task
d Mark a task as done
e Edit a task
Enter View task information
? To view all these keybinds
q Quit application