CardStarter Bulk Airdrop Script

This airdrop utility script is provided on an open-source basis courtesy of CardStarter.


Simple step-by-step

  1. Run cardano-node, and configure cardano-cli (this programs calls the CLI in the background)
  2. Copy the protocol parameters file and the signature key file in the config directory (or change the config)
  3. Create a config/beneficiaries file with the recipient addresses or pubkeyhashes (see parameters) and the token amounts they receive divided by a space, as defined here
  4. Run the CLI tool using the parameters defined here For example:
cabal run token-airdrop -- --testnet-magic 1097911063 \
  --own-pub-key-hash 0f45aaf1b2959db6e5ff94dbb1f823bf257680c3c723ac2d49f97546 \
  --asset-class 1d6445ddeda578117f393848e685128f1e78ad0c4e48129c5964dc2e.testToken \
  --drop-amount 4
  --beneficiaries-per-tx 200 \
  --min-lovelaces 1379280 \
  --fees 70921796 \

Command parameters

Usage: token-airdrop (--mainnet | --testnet-magic NATURAL)
                     [--protocol-params-file ARG]
                     [--beneficiaries-file FILENAME] [--use-pub-key-hashes]
                     (--own-address ADDRESS | --own-pub-key-hash PUB_KEY_HASH)
                     [--signing-key-file FILENAME]
                     [--asset-class CURRENCY_SYMBOL.TOKEN_NAME]
                     [--drop-amount RATIONAL] --beneficiaries-per-tx NATURAL
                     [--live] --min-lovelaces NATURAL --fees NATURAL
                     [--decimal-places NATURAL] [--truncate]
                     [--current-beneficiaries-log FILENAME]
                     [--remaining-beneficiaries-log FILENAME] [--verbose]
  CLI tool to simplify sending native tokens to multiple users
  • mainnet OR testnet-magic NATURAL: This should match whichever node you have set up
  • protocol-params-file ARG: This will default to ./config/protocol.json
  • beneficiaries-file: The file containig the above beneficiaries format. This will default to ./config/beneficiaries
  • use-pub-key-hashes: Sets the beneficiary file to accept PubKeyHashes over addresses
  • own-pub-key-hash: PubKeyHash of the address holding the tokens to be distributed
  • signing-key-file: Signing key file of the above PubKeyHash. This will default to ./config/server.skey
  • asset-class: Token asset class. The beneficiaries file must not contain token asset classes
  • drop-amount: Amount of tokens to send to each beneficiary. The beneficaries file must not contain token amounts
  • beneficiaryPerTx: This controls how many transaction outputs we batch together. In case the tranaction exceeds the size limit, try to change this value
  • live: Pass this flag to submit the transaction. Otherwise it is just printed to stdout
  • min-lovelaces: Minimum lovelace amount for each utxo (change this it you get a Minimum required UTxO error)
  • fees: Transaction fees, this is only used for coin selection, the actual fee is calculated by the cardano-cli
  • decimal-places: Scale all token amounts by this many decimal places (value * 10^decimal-places)
  • truncate: Allow rounding down token amounts to the nearest natural number when there is a decimal part
  • current-beneficiaries-log: File to write the current beneficiaries of a transaction
  • remaining-beneficiaries-log: File to write the remaining beneficiaries after each transaction

Beneficiaries format

This file is structured as one receipient per line, with the following format:
address amount currencySymbol.tokenName

  • If the use-pub-key-hashes flag is set, the addresses become pub key hashes
  • If the asset-class and/or drop-amount option is present, the values specified on the cli take precedence over the ones in the file (in this case these fields are optional, however the )


Without use-pub-key-hashes:

addr_test1vpzm7yazemjns5plryg9yq9lkv9xzr432e88jsdqprty4fqhcw9d7 1001 1d6445ddeda578117f393848e685128f1e78ad0c4e48129c5964dc2e.testToken
addr_test1vqsk6udkq2a552prwtmpmfs8yqyluxlvgx6zy20tqjsglyctfkjrg 1002 1d6445ddeda578117f393848e685128f1e78ad0c4e48129c5964dc2e.testToken2
addr_test1vz0vpcef37gsanrj8mtta9hkhfd3ja5ekq7mdjgays7wzlcwzmvf6 1003 3ccd653511eec65bbd30c3489f53471b017c829bd97d3a2ae81fb818.testToken
addr_test1vq85t2h3k22emdh9l72dhv0cywlj2a5qc0rj8tpdf8uh23st77ahh 1004 3ccd653511eec65bbd30c3489f53471b017c829bd97d3a2ae81fb818.testToken

With use-pub-key-hashes:

adfd87319bd09c9e3ea10b251ccb046f87c5440343157e348c3ac7bd 1001 1d6445ddeda578117f393848e685128f1e78ad0c4e48129c5964dc2e.testToken
e58973896cb0ae0273296cd407786e543d24a1c9e17931cc246d1bff 1002 1d6445ddeda578117f393848e685128f1e78ad0c4e48129c5964dc2e.testToken2
35530c9f7d13efb3153aef891e583a2980a31d27517ebae1e97c7dab 1003 3ccd653511eec65bbd30c3489f53471b017c829bd97d3a2ae81fb818.testToken
1c9f9e9d6042266e5978163298d566f98336a308df616bd7285cb592 1004 3ccd653511eec65bbd30c3489f53471b017c829bd97d3a2ae81fb818.testToken