
Basic command line to-do list application.

Primary LanguagePython


Basic command line to-do list application.

Video guide


How does it work?

Make sure the variable filename inside task.py is set to a file name that you would like to store the tasks in.

Adding tasks

$ python task.py --add 'task one'

This will add a task called 'task one' to the tasks file. Multiple tasks can be added at once by passing multiple arguments to python task.py --add.

Listing tasks

To list all the tasks, simply run python task.py --list.

Removing tasks

Removal of tasks is done by the command python task.py --remove. Task numbers are listed after --remove. All tasks can be removed at once by running python task.py --remove all. A "range" can also be specified for removing tasks. A range has the form a..b where a and b are both integers. b has to be greater than a. For example, python task.py --remove 3..7 removes the tasks 3 through 7.

Viewing help

To view some basic help about the various option flags, run python task.py -h or python task.py --help.

usage: task [-h] [-l | -a ADD [ADD ...] | -r REMOVE_ARGS [REMOVE_ARGS ...]]

basic command line to-do application

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            list all stored tasks
  -a ADD [ADD ...], --add ADD [ADD ...]
                        tasks to be added separated by whitespace
                        remove by listing individual task numbers separated by
                        whitespace or a range which is of the format a..b
                        where a and b are both integers