
Primary LanguageJavaScript

To Do: Buat Docker Image untuk backend Sambungkan dengan volume ke path folder project Buat Docker Compose Buat script untuk menjalankan deploy database

Create ParseObject todo = ParseObject('Todo'); todo.set('title', 'My Todo'); todo.set('done', false); await todo.save();

const MyClass = Parse.Object.extend('MyClass'); const myClass = new MyClass();

myClass.set('field', 'value'); myClass.save() .then((object) => { // The object was saved successfully. }, (error) => { // The save failed. });

Read const readTodos = async function () { const parseQuery = new Parse.Query('Todo'); try { let todos = await parseQuery.find(); // Process the retrieved todos } catch (error) { // Handle the error } };

const MyClass = Parse.Object.extend('MyClass'); const query = new Parse.Query(MyClass);

query.find() .then((results) => { // results is an array of Parse.Object. }, (error) => { // The query failed. });

Update ParseQuery query = ParseQuery.getQuery("Todo"); query.getInBackground("objectId", new GetCallback() { public void done(ParseObject todo, ParseException e) { if (e == null) { todo.put("title", "Updated Todo"); todo.put("done", true); todo.saveInBackground(); } else { // Handle the error } } });

const MyClass = Parse.Object.extend('MyClass'); const query = new Parse.Query(MyClass);

query.get('objectId') .then((object) => { object.set('field', 'new value'); return object.save(); }) .then((object) => { // The object was updated. }, (error) => { // The query failed. });

Delete const deleteTodo = async function (objectId) { const parseQuery = new Parse.Query('Todo'); try { let todo = await parseQuery.get(objectId); await todo.destroy(); // Object deleted successfully } catch (error) { // Handle the error } };

const MyClass = Parse.Object.extend('MyClass'); const query = new Parse.Query(MyClass);

query.get('objectId') .then((object) => { return object.destroy(); }) .then((object) => { // The object was deleted. }, (error) => { // The query failed. });

const Employee = Parse.Object.extend('Employee'); const query = new Parse.Query(Employee); query.find().then((employees) => { // employees is an array of Parse.Object. console.log(employees); }, (error) => { // The query failed. console.error(error); }); employees.forEach((employee) => { console.log(employee.get('columnName')); });