Keeps track of certificates as they are deployed in a network environment.
- 1
CIDRs and ports are missing in jobs overview
#245 opened by slalomsk8er - 3
x509 loosing hosts
#239 opened by slalomsk8er - 1
Scanning hosts with weak old encryption
#241 opened by Aleksey-Maksimov - 1
Service Import source is missing chain id
#237 opened by slalomsk8er - 0
--rescan = Undefined property: stdClass::$id
#242 opened by Aleksey-Maksimov - 26
Report expired status in CLI but not module interface
#232 opened by sdaru - 3
Binary files in upstream (*.png) for debian package.
#235 opened by daku69 - 7
Unable to filter for Expired Certificates within a given threshold from the Web Interface
#233 opened by gettoknowmii - 2
- 3
Letsencrypt chain is not valid
#231 opened by manny4566 - 4
- 2
Documentation (or solution) needed: Creating configuration for 1.3 using configuration management
#230 opened by maggu - 2
Add automatic alerts when any certificates expires within a given threshold
#229 opened by gettoknowmii - 0
- 0
Only last schedule of last job gets scheduled
#219 opened by slalomsk8er - 2
- 9
Jobs silently fail to retrieve certificates
#210 opened by jabbott-hbk - 5
UTF8 Encoding issues when importing certs
#160 opened by jabbott-hbk - 0
Make use of the new `RetryConnection` class
#207 opened by yhabteab - 1
- 0
- 4
- 0
CSP Compliancy
#201 opened by yhabteab - 3
Adding the source for icons.ttf
#111 opened by daku69 - 8
- 0
Remove font files
#197 opened by nilmerg - 3
- 1
Custom Icinga icons aren't exportable
#203 opened by yhabteab - 0
Make warning/critical ratio adjustable
#189 opened by Crited - 3
Error message "Unable to locate monitoring module"
#187 opened by jprusch - 1
Upgrade from 1.1.2
#182 opened by brusilva84 - 1
- 4
IP Text wrong symbols
#172 opened by Alex64798 - 2
- 3
Scan Job creates duplicate entrys
#177 opened by GalipoliX - 2
Invalid UTF-8 on row <host>, column host_ip: " dd" (0x0000000000000000000000000a64649e)
#173 opened by stultitiophobia - 2
Check CLI Command Fails to Execute
#169 opened by jabbott-hbk - 0
Nullable fields in Postgres DB Schema
#161 opened by jabbott-hbk - 4
icingacli x509 jobs run error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "ipl\Scheduler\Scheduler" not found
#139 opened by whackl - 2
icinga-php-library 0.11.0 no released yet
#148 opened by Gninieb - 6
PDOException in /usr/share/icinga-php/ipl/vendor/ipl/sql/src/Connection.php:402 'ctime' doesn't have a default value
#157 opened by Darkentik - 2
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in CheckCommand.php
#133 opened by svenluzar - 1
Always show complete chain
#143 opened by lippserd - 0
Random ordering in certificate dashboard
#142 opened by bobapple - 3
Issues with PostgreSQL
#146 opened by fl0wx - 1
Add exclusion for Jobs
#140 opened by wp-perc - 1
Error scanning IPv6 networks
#110 opened by rwth-itc - 2
Can we add the ability for this module to alert when certificates are about to expire
#109 opened by gettoknowmii - 1
Fatal error `icingacli x509 jobs run`
#106 opened by t3easy - 1
Error in English text
#103 opened by ccallawa