
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

The nitty-gritty

This module provides features needed to implement the "Water for the Environment" page templates

For developer

Installation of dependencies

In module directory, run

yarn install

Compile source files (development environment)

In module directory, run

yarn run dev

Compile source files (production environment)

In module directory, run

yarn run prod

To display caption under active slide

Add the following code to the theme's template file (e.g., template.php)

 * Implements theme_image().
function mdba_theme_image(&$variables) {

  $attributes = $variables['attributes'];
  $attributes['src'] = file_create_url($variables['path']);

  $apply_theming = FALSE;

  $apply_theming_to_variables = [
    'style_name' => [
  foreach ($apply_theming_to_variables as $var => $val) {
    if (isset($variables[$var]) AND in_array($variables[$var], $val)) {
      $apply_theming = TRUE;
  if (!$apply_theming) { // Return default theming
    return '<img' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . ' />';

  foreach (['width', 'height', 'alt', 'title'] as $key) {
    if (isset($variables[$key])) {
      $attributes[$key] = $variables[$key];
  // Return custom theming
  return '<img' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . ' /><div class="ew-slide-caption">' . (isset($variables['title']) ? $variables['title'] : '') . '</div>';

For site administrator

Installation and configuration

  1. Enable the following modules from the Administration area modules page (admin/modules): Water for the Environment (water_for_the_environment) and Water for the Environment features (water_for_the_environment_features)
  2. Goto: admin/structure/pages/edit/node_view Click Variants > Landing page >Selection rules > Node:type and tick "Environmental Water Pages"
  3. Goto: admin/structure/types/manage/ew-pages and make sure next to Menu settings the menu nvironmental Water is checked
  4. Go to URL aliases pattern settings and set pattern for all Environmental Water Pages paths to: managing-water/water-for-environment/[node:title]
  5. If feature revert does not activate new features, disable, uninstall and re-enable the modules

Creating new Environmental Water pages

Be sure to first unpublish the old pages you are about to replace and set their URL aliases to something like "page-title-old"

Add new Environmental Water pages by going to node/add/ew-pages or click the button on the content admin page

More nerdy details



Paragraph bundles configuration

Environmental Water Optional Component (ew_optional_component)


  • Title (field_ew_pb_title, field--field-ew-pb-title.tpl.php)
  • Text (field_ew_pb_text)
  • Icon image (field_ew_pb_icon_image, directory=environmental_water/images)
  • Additional images (ew_pb_additional_images, directory=environmental_water/images)
  • Attachments (field_ew_pb_attachments)
  • More link (field_ew_pb_more_link)

Environmental Water Media Embed (ew_media_embed)

  • Embedded media (field_ew_pb_embedded_media)
  • Title (field_ew_pb_title, field--field-ew-pb-title.tpl.php)
  • Text (field_ew_pb_text)
  • More link (field_ew_pb_more_link)

Environmental Water Text and Image (ew_text_image)

  • Feature image (ew_pb_additional_images, directory=environmental_water/images)
  • Title (field_ew_pb_title, field--field-ew-pb-title.tpl.php)
  • Text (field_ew_pb_text)
  • More link (field_ew_pb_more_link)

###Environmental Water Slider (ew_slider)

###Environmental Water Embed (ew_embed)

###Environmental Water Highlights (environmental_water_highlights)

##Content type: Environmental Water Pages (ew_pages) Custom fields:

  • Sub-title (field_ew_subtitle)
  • Banner image (field_ew_banner_image)
  • Optional components (field_ew_optional_components, using Paragraph ew_optional_component)

##Water through time All Water through time data is coming from waterThroughTime.json and can be modified and expanded by changing the data in the JSON file using the following templates. Changes in the data JSON file will update the visualisation automatically (cache clear may be required).

###JSON Example of water through time date

"id" = Needs to be unique i.e. "id": 1
"is_default" = Setting one to ture ensures this is the default date loaded when water though time loaded
"label" = Text for date range label
"type" = Sets the theme for the selected year. Accepted themes "dry", "wet", "flood" or "moderate"
"gl_amount" = Gigalitres text field displayed on card
"url" = Navigate to when card clicked
"water_inner" = Value to dinote inside water inidicator
"water_outer" = Value to dinote outside water inidicator (needs to be the same or higher than inner value)
"vegetation" = This detemins the colours of the icon. Accepted values "improvement", "decline" or "no-change"
"waterbirds" = As above
"fish" = As above
"works" = Detemins if works icon shown on card or not. Accepted values true or false

Required JSON format for a given date range and seven card items:

  "id": 1,
  "is_default": true,
  "label": "2006-07",
  "type": "dry",
      "item_no": 1,
      "name": "Barmah-Millewa Forest",
      "gl_amount": "888.8",
      "url": "http://www.google.com.au",
      "water_inner": "50",
      "water_outer": "90",
      "vegetation": "decline",
      "waterbirds": "decline",
      "fish": "improvement",
      "works": true
      "item_no": 2,
      "name": "Koondrook–Perricoota Forest",
      "gl_amount": "888.8",
      "url": "http://www.google.com.au",
      "water_inner": "100",
      "water_outer": "110",
      "vegetation": "improvement",
      "waterbirds": "no-change",
      "fish": "no-change",
      "works": false
      "item_no": 3,
      "name": "Gunbower Forest",
      "gl_amount": "888.8",
      "url": "http://www.google.com.au",
      "water_inner": "0",
      "water_outer": "0",
      "vegetation": "improvement",
      "waterbirds": "decline",
      "fish": "improvement",
      "works": false
      "item_no": 4,
      "name": "Hattah Lakes",
      "gl_amount": "888.8",
      "url": "http://www.google.com.au",
      "water_inner": "20",
      "water_outer": "40",
      "vegetation": "decline",
      "waterbirds": "decline",
      "fish": "decline",
      "works": false
      "item_no": 5,
      "name": "Lindsay, Mulcra & Wallpolla Islands",
      "gl_amount": "888.8",
      "url": "http://www.google.com.au",
      "water_inner": "90",
      "water_outer": "100",
      "vegetation": "no-change",
      "waterbirds": "no-change",
      "fish": "improvement",
      "works": false
      "item_no": 6,
      "name": "Chowilla Floodplains",
      "gl_amount": "888.8",
      "url": "http://www.google.com.au",
      "water_inner": "20",
      "water_outer": "22",
      "vegetation": "no-change",
      "waterbirds": "decline",
      "fish": "no-change",
      "works": false
      "item_no": 7,
      "name": "Murray Mouth, Coorong & Lower Lakes",
      "gl_amount": "888.8",
      "url": "http://www.google.com.au",
      "water_inner": "30",
      "water_outer": "60",
      "vegetation": "no-change",
      "waterbirds": "decline",
      "fish": "improvement",
      "works": false