
Recyclomedia is a digital platform that aims to save the planet from pollution which is the major threat to the functioning of earth.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Backend CI/CD Pipeline

Recyclopedia is a vintage inspired digital platform that aims to save the planet from the pollution which is the major threat to the functioning of earth. Through this platform, we are creating an energetic community that aims to combat the world from pollution. The key features of our platform are,

  1. The platform allows its users to engage in events related to preventing pollution in the world. Events like beach clean up, community gathering, and workshops are notified under the events section.
  2. The users are allowed to donate to our body, to help us host events.
  3. A gamification system is incorporated n the system to encourage the participation of the user in our platform. The users will get a tokens of appreciation related to their hierarchy in the levels of contribution.

System Architecture


UI Mockups

Splash Screen Sign-Up Sign-In Home Page
Splash screen sign-up screen sign-in screen welcome screen
My-Profile Settings About-us Donate to a cause
my-profile screen settings screen about-us screen donation screen

Figma Design files - https://www.figma.com/file/nSi5UHKdvqL2kS1OrRumID/Recyclomedia


Demo UI


Recyclomedia backend is made using django rest framework and backed by postgress database. You can find full API documentation made with postman below. Also Django Rest's API explorer view can be accesed from recyclomedia.iconicto.com/api.

Backend Features

  • Protected routes
    • Post made by user X can't be modified/deleted by user Y
    • Sepreate web based dashboard for organizations manage events that are hosted by them - Event created by organization A can't be modified/deleted by organization B
  • Role Based access control
  • Static contains are delivered by custom CDN (cdn.iconicto.com)
  • End to End TLS
  • Horizontal and Vertical scaling (thanks Kubernetes)

Admin's View vs Org Admins View



Event Page

Event Page

API documentation


API Routes


Get Users

GET /api/users/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com

Get User Info

GET /api/users/me/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com

Create User

POST /api/users/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com

Update User

PATCH /api/users/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com


Get Posts

GET /api/users/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com

Create Post

POST /api/posts/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com

Update Post

PATCH /api/posts/<POSTID>/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com

Delete Post

DELETE /api/posts/<POSTID>/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com


Get Events

GET /api/events/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com


Get Organizations

GET /api/organizations/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com


Get Badges

GET /api/badges/ HTTP/1.1
Host: recyclomedia.iconicto.com
