Devil in the Tail: A Multi-Modal Framework for Drug-Drug Interactino Prediction In Long Tail Distinction

This instructoin aims to help the reproduction of the result. The file provided are as follow:

Environment set-up

The following specific environment needs to be installed. The model was runned on Unbuntu 22.04.2.

    conda create --name tfmd python==3.9
    conda activate tfmd
    conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    conda install gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64 mpi4py
    python -m pip install git+

Downloan dataset

We offer five preprocessed and ready-to-use dataset in Google Drive. The raw data of DDIMDL and MUFFIN can be download from their github repository DDIMDL and MUFFIN. We do not offer raw data of DrugBank as it is required to retrieve official authorization from DrugBank officials. See details here. The preprocessed scripts will be release soon.

Retrieve Drugbank data and Cleaning

We construct our dataset DBDDI-110 and DBDDI171 from drugbank raw dataset. We are working on cleaning the scraping scripts of the preprocessing drugbank dataset. It should be released soon. ------- 21/07/2024

Data Preparation

Onece you download the dataset from above, you will have 2 diretory models and dataset. dataset contains ready-to-use files to reproduce our results. Move dataset under TFMD/ to run the scripts. You can prepare you own datasset by constructin files in the following format:

The data should fomated as csv file as shown in the following example:

For drug feature file, named as features.csv:

drugs_id Smiles Targets Enzymes
DB00122 CN+(C)CCO P36544|Q9Y5K3|P22303|P49585|O14939|P06276|Q13393|Q8TCT1 Q9Y6K0|Q9Y259|P28329|P35790|Q8NE62

For drug-drug interaction file ddi.csv:

id1 name1 id2 name2 interaction
DB06605 Apixaban DB00006 Bivalirudin Drug A may increase the anticoagulant activities of Drug B.

For Graph embedding files DBDDI_171_drugname_smiles.txt for example:


Data preprocessing

The Pre-trained models for feature extraction are publically available:

SMILES Sequential Embedding

For sequential embedding, the pretrained model is originally avaiable in here. But they seems delete it for some reasons, you can download the pretrained weight from our google drive. we use the pretrained-large model of Molbart models/pre-trained/combined-large/step=1000000.ckpt and utilze only the encoder part.

Once you download the models from google drive. Place the models diretory under Sequential_Embeddings/molbart/ and run

    python -u

SMIELS Graph Embedding

Run in TFMD repository as it is well-debugged to our dataset. The pre-trained Graph model should be able to download automatically once the script is executed.

    python -u

See for detailed steps and necessary file for your customized dataset

Run Training

To run the model, you need to navigate to TFMD folder and run in terminal:

    python -u