Customizable UI
Customizable menu & button image icon
4 types of switches:
- Offset Patcher Switch
- Empty Switch
- Textfield Switch
- Slider Switch
Backend Offset Patcher Switch is based on KittyMemory
- Original bytes are not required
- Supports MSHookMemory
- Write unlimited bytes to a offset
Open Source Menu
You can download the template here: Latest Release.
Also follow the instructions below otherwise you will run into errors!
- In the makefile on line 22, you've to set the path to your SDK. This menu has been tested with the "iPhoneOS11.2.sdk" SDK from theos/sdks
- I use initializer_list in this project, iOS doesn't have this included by itself. You can download it here, save it as "initializer_list" and copy the file to: "$THEOS/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1/"
- Install xCode if you haven't already.
- In the Makefile of the project, change "MOBILE_THEOS=1" to "MOBILE_THEOS=0" on line 19 of the makefile.
Changing the menu images
Inside the tweak.xm, you'll setup the menu under the function "setupMenu". Here you'll see two options under the menu: menuIcon & menuButton, those require a base64 image string. In order to get a base64 string from the image, upload the image here: https://www.browserling.com/tools/image-to-base64
Images 50x50 are recommended, you can get a sample of my images by copying the standard(in tweak.xm) base64 string & use this website to show the picture: https://base64.guru/converter/decode/image
Setting a framework as executable You can set this in the function setupMenu() inside Tweak.xm
[menu setFrameworkName:"FrameworkName"];
Patching a offset without switch:
patchOffset(0x1002DB3C8, "0xC0035FD6");
patchOffset(0x10020D2D4, "0x00008052C0035FD6");
// You can write as many bytes as you want to an offset
patchOffset(0x10020D3A8, "0x00F0271E0008201EC0035FD6");
Offset Patcher Switch:
[switches addOffsetSwitch:@"One Hit Kill"
description:@"Enemy will die instantly"
offsets:{0x1001BB2C0, 0x1002CB3B0, 0x1002CB3B8}
bytes:{"0x00E0BF12C0035FD6", "0xC0035FD6", "0x00F0271E0008201EC0035FD6"}];
Empty Switch:
[switches addSwitch:@"Masskill"
description:@"Teleport all enemies to you without them knowing"];
Textfield Switch:
[switches addTextfieldSwitch:@"Custom Gold"
description:@"Here you can enter your own gold amount"
Slider Switch:
[switches addSliderSwitch:@"Custom Move Speed"
description:@"Set your custom move speed"
Checking if a switch is on:
bool isOn = [switches isSwitchOn:@"Switch Name Goes Here"];
if(isOn) {
//Do stuff
//Or check directly:
if([switches isSwitchOn:@"Switch Name Goes Here"]) {
// Do stuff
Getting textfield or slider value:
int userValue = [[switches getValueFromSwitch:@"Switch Name Goes Here"] intValue];
float userValue2 = [[switches getValueFromSwitch:@"Switch Name Goes Here"] floatValue];
The sample.xm in the project shows an example project.
- Me
- MJx0
- For KittyMemory
- For contributions
- bR34Kr
- For contributions
- dogo
- For SCLAlertView
If you need support, you may discord me.
However, please don't spam me and give me as much information you can when you do so.
Discord: Joey#0309