The code enables to perform Bayesian inference in an efficient manner through the use of Hamiltonian Neural Networks (HNNs), Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), Neural ODEs, and Symplectic Neural Networks (SympNets) used with state-of-the-art sampling schemes like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) and the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS).

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Copyright (c) 2022 Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC

Licensed under MIT License, please see LICENSE for details



BIhNNs: Bayesian Inference with (Hamiltonian and other) Neural Networks

  • Train neural network architectures like deep neural nets (DNN), Neural ODEs, Hamiltonian neural nets (HNNs), and symplectic neural nets to learn probability distribution spaces.
  • Use the trained neural net to perform sampling without requiring gradient information of the target probability density.
  • State-of-the-art sampling schemes like Langevin Monte Carlo, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, and No-U-Turn Sampling are available for use with the above-mentioned trained neural nets.


The code in this repository is part of the following two papers available on arXiv:

The below figure presents the workflow for performing sampling with (Hamiltonian and other) neural networks.


Using the code

Deep neural nets (DNNs) [literature: https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.01563]

  • go to src/dnns/
  • Include the Hamiltonian of the required probability distribution in the functions.py file. Some example probability distributions are already included. For information on the Hamiltonian of a probability distribution, see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.1901.pdf%20http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.1901.pdf.
  • Adjust the parameters in get_args.py
  • Run train_dnn.py to train the DNN model. The training data will be stored in a pkl file with the name the user specified in get_args.py. The trained DNN will be stored in a tar file with the name the user specified in get_args.py.
  • Then run, either dnn_lmc.py, dnn_hmc.py, dnn_nuts_online.py to, respectively, perform Langevin Monte Carlo, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, and No-U-Turn Sampling with the trained DNN. Note that the user specified sampling parameters can be adjusted in these files.
  • For No-U-Turn Sampling, an online error monitoring scheme as described in (https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.06120) is used. To turn this feature off, set the hnn_threshold parameter in dnn_nuts_online.py to a large value like 1000.

Hamiltonian neural nets (HNNs) [literature: https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.01563]

  • go to src/hnns/
  • Include the Hamiltonian of the required probability distribution in the functions.py file. Some example probability distributions are already included. For information on the Hamiltonian of a probability distribution, see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.1901.pdf%20http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.1901.pdf.
  • Adjust the parameters in get_args.py
  • Run train_hnn.py to train the HNN model. The training data will be stored in a pkl file with the name the user specified in get_args.py. The trained HNN will be stored in a tar file with the name the user specified in get_args.py.
  • Then run, either hnn_lmc.py, hnn_hmc.py, hnn_nuts_online.py to, respectively, perform Langevin Monte Carlo, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, and No-U-Turn Sampling with the trained HNN. Note that the user specified sampling parameters can be adjusted in these files.
  • For No-U-Turn Sampling, an online error monitoring scheme as described in (https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.06120) is used. To turn this feature off, set the hnn_threshold parameter in dnn_nuts_online.py to a large value like 1000.

Symplectic neural nets (sympnets) [literature: https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.03750]

  • go to src/sympnets/
  • Prerequisite: download the learner directory from https://github.com/jpzxshi/sympnets into the src/sympnets/ folder
  • Training data generation: generate the pkl file generated from either src/dnns/ or src/hnns/ as described under DNNs or HNNs. Copy this pkl file to src/sympnets/ folder.
  • Include the Hamiltonian of the required probability distribution in the functions.py file. Some example probability distributions are already included. For information on the Hamiltonian of a probability distribution, see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1206.1901.pdf%20http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.1901.pdf.
  • Adjust the parameters in get_args.py
  • In main.py, run the "Load data and train SympNet (LA or G)" portion of the code to load the training data and train an LA or G sympnet based.
  • In main.py, adjust the options in "Sampling parameters" portion of the code
  • In main.py, run "Sampling" portion of the code to perform Langevin Monte Carlo, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, or No-U-Turn Sampling
  • For No-U-Turn Sampling, an online error monitoring scheme as described in (https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.06120) is used. To turn this feature off, set the hnn_threshold parameter in Sampling.py to a large value like 1000.

Neural ODES

Coming soon!!

Author information

Som L. Dhulipala

Computational Scientist in Uncertainty Quantification

Computational Mechanics and Materials department

Email: Som.Dhulipala@inl.gov

Idaho National Laboratory


The authors of the following open-source codes are thanked whose work is helpful to the BIhNNs repository: