
.Net library for using the webhose.io API

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

webhose.io client for C#

A simple way to access the webhose.io API from your C# code

    WebhoseRequest clientRequest = new WebhoseRequest ("YOUR_API_KEY");
			WebhoseResponse response = clientRequest.getResponse ("skyrim");

			foreach (WebhosePost post in response.posts) {
				Console.WriteLine (post);



To make use of the webhose.io API, you need to obtain a token that would be used on every request. To obtain an API key, create an account at https://webhose.io/auth/signup, and then go into https://webhose.io/dashboard to see your token.


Choose one from the options below:

1.You can find webhose in the NuGet add packages and install it to your project under Webhose.dotnet. see more in here http://docs.nuget.org/consume/installing-nuget.

2.Just Download the project and add it to your project References

3.From the Package Manager Console just run the following command Package Manager Console Install-Package Webhose.dotnet

Use the API

To get started you need to set your access token. (Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key).

    WebhoseRequest clientRequest = new WebhoseRequest ("YOUR_API_KEY");
    //For you convenient if you want to use different API key to your request just do the following code

Now you can make a request and inspect the results:

    WebhoseResponse response = clientRequest.getResponse("skyrim");
    // example output: 1047

    Console.WriteLine (response.posts.Count);
    // example output: 100

    Console.WriteLine (response.posts [0].languages);
    // example output: english

    Console.WriteLine (response.posts [5].title)
    // example output: 【其他】Vilja-Ver4.01-繁體ESP檔完整版

If there are more than one page of results, use the getMore() method to fetch the next page.

    WebhoseResponse moreFromResponse = response.getNext ();
    Console.WriteLine (moreFromResponse.posts.Count);)
    // Will output 100 in this case, or 0 in case there are not any posts  

The getMore() method is also useful for fetching new results that were discovered since the last request.

    WebhoseRequest clientRequest = new WebhoseRequest (YOUR_API_KEY);
    WebhoseResponse response = clientRequest.getResponse("minecraft");
    // Fetch new results every 5 minutes
	    try {
		foreach (webhosePost post in response.posts) 
			//just change the performAction to what you want to do with your posts
		response = response.getNext();

	    } catch (ThreadInterruptedException e) {
		Console.WriteLine (e.Message);

Full documentation

WebhoseRequest class

  • WebhoseRequest(token)

    • token - your API key
  • search(query)

    • query - the search query, either as a search string, or as a Query object

WebhoseQuery class

WebhoseQuery objects correspond to the advanced search options that appear on https://webhose.io/use

WebhoseQuery objects have the following members:

  • allTerms - a list of strings, all of which must appear in the results
  • someTerms - a list of strings, some of which must appear in the results
  • phrase - a phrase that must appear verbatim in the results
  • exclude - terms that should not appear in the results
  • siteType - one or more of discussions, news, blogs
  • language - one or more of language names, in lowercase english
  • site - one or more of site names, top level only (i.e., yahoo.com and not news.yahoo.com)
  • title - terms that must appear in the title
  • bodyText - term that must appear in the body text
  • siteSuffix - limit the results to a specific site suffix
  • author - return posts written by a specific author
  • countries - filtring by country - give much less data - To get the full country code list, visit countrycode.org.
  • responseSize - limit the total number of posts returned per request

WebhoseQuery objects implement the ToString() method, which shows the resulting search string. to use the webhoseQuery simply create new webhoseQuery put all the parameters that you want to look for and make the webhoseResponse

     WebhoseQuery clientQuery = new WebhoseQuery();
     clientQuery.AddAllTerms ("skyrim","world");
     clientQuery.AddLanguages (Languages.english, Languages.hebrew);
     clientQuery.Phrase = "level";
     clientQuery.ResponseSize = 50;
     //Getting response with Query
     WebhoseResponse responceWithQuery = clientRequest.getResponse (clientQuery);

WebhoseResponse class

Response objects have the following members:

  • totalResults - the total number of posts which match this search
  • moreResultsAvailable - the number of posts not included in this response
  • posts - a list os Post objects
  • next - a URL for the next results page for this search

Response objects implement the __iter__() method, which can be used to loop over all posts matching the query. (Automatic page fetching)

WebhosePost and WebhoseThread classes

WebhosePost and WebhoseThread object contain the actual data returned from the API. Consult https://webhose.io/documentation to find out about their structure.

More things you should know

Inside the program you can find some Examples how to use the webhose