
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This app is developed using the OAuth2 implementation of Spring Security (https://projects.spring.io/spring-security-oauth/docs/oauth2.html).


In order to deploy the demo application, you need to configure a number of parameters in the configuration file. Some of those parameters are endpoint URLs of your IdP. Additionally, you need to create your client application in your IdP and configure the client_id and client_secret.


The build process to compile the source code is based in Apache Maven. To create the war file, go to the folder where you cloned the repository and run:

mvn clean package



It runs as a JAR application

java -jar launcher.jar

To override some properties add them to the command line:

java -jar launcher.jar --server.port=8081

Spring Boot

To build and run the code, in the folder where you cloned the repository, run:

mvn spring-boot:run

To override some properties add them to the command line:

mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--app.homedir=/var/opt/identicum/launcher"


The app can run a as Docker container. Dockerfile and instructions documented here

Initial dataset

When the app starts and there is no data, it tries to find a file with initial dataset under ${app.homedir}/data.json. There is a sample file here.

The default value for ${app.homedir} is /var/opt/identicum/launcher. Remember you can also override this property value at runtime.

Loading properties from external file

You can store launcher properties in an external file and then reference this file with environment variable before starting the application:

export SPRING_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL_LOCATION=/var/opt/identicum/launcher/customer.properties
java -jar launcher.jar