
Public SPA demo app using VueJS. The app makes the call to the endpoint /api/v1/products in order to get products.


actor Browser

Browser->SPA: GET /
SPA->SPA: Check lua-resty-openidc session
SPA->Browser: redirect to authorization_endpoint
Browser->IDP: /auth
IDP->Browser: Prompt credentials
Browser->IDP: Submit credentials
IDP->IDP: Create authenticated session
IDP->Browser: redirect to /redirect_uri
Browser->SPA: /redirect_uri
SPA->SPA: Create authenticated session
SPA->Browser: Set cookie + return /index.html
Browser->SPA: GET /api/v1/products (with cookie)
SPA->API: GET /api/v1/products (with access_token)
API->SPA: return JSON
SPA->Browser: return JSON

Test environment

For a quick test, run the preset docker compose environment

docker-compose up

To be able to use this environment, you need to add this line to your local HOSTS file:  spa  idp  api

To access the SPA in the environment go to this URL: http://spa/

To see a reference of the architecture, check the docs.