
This is a quick starter for bootstrapping a static web project with using Slim, Coffeescript, SASS, and HTML5.

How to Use

All SASS related files are in the /sass folder. Everything should be ready to go, if you do this stuff -- and have rails and node on your machine.

From the command-line:

bower install
gem install compass

From your 'puter:

Install and add this project (or a copy of it) so that your slim, coffeescript, and sass files are updated. Be sure that LiveReload doesn't try to do anything with the stuff in bower_components folder.

CSS Files

The main CSS file, style.css, is compiled from sass/application.scss which imports all your other stylesheets. Use the theme folder for global stuff and the views folder for very specific CSS changes relating to pages/partials.

Coffee/Javascript Files

Modernizer is included. You man want to trim things down with a custom version here:

Documentation for Libraries