- 3
Missing release & tag for 5.0.0
#114 opened by jinnatar - 1
- 4
"client_id" is missing from ID token
#106 opened by lionick - 0
op client_db config bug?
#109 opened by ImuruKevol - 1
- 0
INFO request - static RP registration for OP?
#103 opened by langworr - 0
ID Token encryption
#100 opened by vernans - 1
Send PAR example?
#98 opened by erikpragt-connectid - 1
Add missing claims for Oauth2 protected resource
#96 opened by lionick - 0
- 1
Official doc link is outdated
#88 opened by XeniaGabriela - 0
How to specify static configuration for RPHandler?
#86 opened by skolj - 2
Documentation link in README is broken
#84 opened by skolj - 2
Examples dont seem to work
#67 opened by johnbyrne7 - 4
AttributeError in example project
#41 opened by AkanshDivker - 2
Does this rp library support refresh_token?
#68 opened by johnbyrne7 - 2
How IdentityPython/idpy-oidc is different from OpenIDC/pyoidc and JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP?
#53 opened by infohash - 2
Synchronize develop and main branches
#31 opened by ctriant - 1
idpy async http client
#30 opened by peppelinux - 0
OAuth2 Security BCP compliances
#37 opened by peppelinux - 10
Do not urlencode credentials
#24 opened by viincenb