
Provides Mysql UDF commands to synchronize data from Mysql to Redis.

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Provides UDF commands to access Redis from Mysql/MariaDB.

English | 繁體中文 | 日本語

Table of Contents


Alt text

figure01 digraph G {
rankdir = "LR";
size ="8,8";
edge [
    fontname = "Consolas"
    fontsize = 10
MariaDB [
    label = "MariaDB\n(presistence)"
    shape = "box"
Redis [
    label = "Redis\n(cached)"
    shape = "box"
edge [
    fontcolor = "blue"
    color = "blue"
writer:e -> MariaDB [
MariaDB -> Redis [
    label = "SET"
edge [
    fontcolor = "red"
    color = "red"
reader:e -> MariaDB [
MariaDB -> Redis [
    label = "GET"
edge [
    fontcolor = "default"
    color = "default"
    dir ="none"
    penwidth = 0.5
node [
    fontname = "Consolas"
    fontsize = 10
    penwidth = 0.5
    color    = "gray"
    shape = "record"
    style = "rounded"
MariaDB_Data [
  label = <<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellborder="1"><TR><TD COLSPAN="2">MariaDB data</TD></TR><TR><TD>item</TD><TD>qty</TD></TR><TR><TD>shoes</TD><TD>35</TD></TR><TR><TD>books</TD><TD>158</TD></TR></TABLE>>
  rank = "same";
  MariaDB:n -> MariaDB_Data:s;
Redis_Data [
  label = <<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellborder="1"><TR><TD COLSPAN="2">Redis data</TD></TR><TR><TD>item</TD><TD>qty</TD></TR><TR><TD>shoes</TD><TD>35</TD></TR><TR><TD>books</TD><TD>158</TD></TR></TABLE>>
  rank = "same";
  Redis:n -> Redis_Data:s;

} figure01

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System Requirements

  • Architectures: Linux 64-bit(x64)
  • Compilers: GCC 4.1.2+
  • MariaDB 5.5+
  • Redis 1.2+
  • Dependencies:
    • MariaDB development library 5.5+
    • hiredis 0.13.3+
    • cJSON 1.6+

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Compilation and Install Plugin Library

Installing compilation tools


# install tools
$ yum install -y make wget gcc git

# install mariadb development tool
$ yum install -y mariadb-devel


# install tools
$ apt-get install -y make wget gcc git

# install mariadb development tool
$ apt-get install -y libmariadb-dev


# install tools
$ pkg install -y gmake wget gcc git-lite

To compile the plugin library just simply type make and make install. -or- gmake and gmake install on FreeBSD.

$ make

# install plugin library to plugin directory
$ make install

# install UDF to Mysql/MariaDB server
$ make installdb

NOTE: If the Mysql/MariaDB is an earlier version or installed from source code, the default include path might be invalid; use make INCLUDE_PATH=`mysql_config --variable=pkgincludedir` to assign INCLUDE_PATH variable for compilation.

Compilation Argumnets

  • install

    Install the plugin library to Mysql plugin directory.

  • installdb

    Install UDFs to Mysql/MariaDB server.

  • uninstalldb

    Uninstall UDFs from Mysql/MariaDB server.

  • clean

    Clear the compiled files and resources.

  • distclean

    Like the clean and also remove the dependencies resources.

Compilation Variable

The compilation variable can be use in make:


    The hiredis version to be compiled. If it is not specified, the default value is 0.13.3.


    The cJSON version to be compiled. If it is not specified, the default value is 1.6.0


    The MariaDB or Mysql C header path. If it is not specified, the default will be the Mysql variable pkgincludedir. The value can be displayed by executing the following command:

    $ echo `mysql_config --variable=pkgincludedir`/server

    The MariaDB or Mysql plugin path. The value can be obtained via running the sql statement SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%plugin_dir%'; in MariaDB/Mysql server. If it is not specified, the default will be Mysql variable plugindir. The value can be displayed by executing the following command:

    $ mysql_config --plugindir


# specify the plugin install path with /opt/mysql/plugin
$ make PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/mysql/plugin
$ make install

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Install and Uninstall UDF

To install UDF from make:

$ make installdb

or executing the following sql statement on Mysql/MariaDB server:

mysql>  CREATE FUNCTION `redis` RETURNS STRING SONAME 'lib_mysqludf_redis.so';

To uninstall UDF with make uninstalldb -or- executing the following sql statement on Mysql/MariaDB server:

mysql>  DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `redis`;

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redis($connection_string, $command, [$args...])

Call a Redis command by specified $connection_string, $command, and individual arguments.

  • $connection_string - represent the Redis server to be connected, the value is a DSN connection string, must be one of following type:
    • redis://:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>/
    • redis://:<password>@<host>/<database>/
    • redis://@<host>:<port>/<database>/
    • redis://@<host>/<database>/
  • $command, $args... - the Redis command and arguments. See also https://redis.io/commands for further details.

The function returns a JSON string indicating success or failure of the operation.

the success output:

   "out": "OK"

the failure output:

   "err": "Connection refused"

The following examples illustrate how to use the function contrast with redis-cli utility.

  the following statement likes:

    $ redis-cli -h -n 8 PING
mysql>  SELECT `redis`('redis://@', 'PING')\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
`redis`('redis://@', 'PING'): {
        "out":  "PONG"
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

  the following statement likes:

    $ redis-cli -h -a foobared -n 8 PING
mysql>  SELECT `redis`('redis://:foobared@', 'PING')\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
`redis`('redis://:foobared@', 'PING'): {
        "out":  "PONG"
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    $ redis-cli -h -p 80 -n 8 PING
    Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
mysql>  SELECT `redis`('redis://@', 'PING')\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
`redis`('redis://@', 'PING'): {
        "err":  "Connection refused"
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    $ redis-cli -h -n 8 HMSET myhash field1 Hello field2 World
mysql>  SELECT `redis`('redis://@', 'HMSET', 'myhash', 'field1', 'Hello', 'field2', 'World')\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
`redis`('redis://@', 'HMSET', 'myhash', 'field1', 'Hello', 'field2', 'World'): {
        "out":  "OK"
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    $ redis-cli -h -n 8 HGET myhash field1
mysql>  SELECT `redis`('redis://@', 'HGET', 'myhash', 'field1')\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
`redis`('redis://@', 'HGET', 'myhash', 'field1'): {
        "out":  "Hello"
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- redis-cli -h -n 0 SET foo bar
mysql>  SELECT `redis`('redis://@', 'SET', 'foo', 'bar')

-- redis-cli -h -n 0 SCAN 0 MATCH prefix*
mysql>  SELECT `redis`('redis://@', 'SCAN', '0', 'MATCH', 'prefix*')

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  • implement Redis Authentication (2017-12-30)
  • add redis DSN string builder function

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Copyright and License

See LICENSE for further details.

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See Also

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