
This Project Simply Provides a GUI Password Input Box Before Runnin' The Program and Based on it, It's a Security Project.

Primary LanguagePython

Project Password Protector 🔒

This is a Password Protector for a Python Project. It uses Modules like, Pyautogui, imp, os, to Password Protect the Project!

Any Type Of Contribution is Accepted Here! 🤝🏻

How to Setup the Project? 🤔💭

Open Terminal (or Command Prompt if You're on Windows 10/8.1/8/7/xp/vista or older) and Type this... 🧑🏻‍💻
  • pip install termcolor
  • pip install pyautogui
After You've installed the Modules ➡️
  • Click on The Code button in the Repository, And Then Click on Download Zip.
  • Extract The Zip File.
  • Run The [Security For Password.py] File And Wait for it to Configure itself for few seconds.
  • After the Project has Configured itself, Then It'll prompt a window, Asking the Password.
  • By Default, The Password is Saved as "Password".
  • After entering the Password, you can See the project running, Even though, it's a Demo Project, You Can replace it By Yours.

How to Change the Default Password ⁉️

By Default, The Password is Saved as "Password".... To Change it, Simply follow these steps!

  • Go to the [Security for Password.py] file.
  • On the Line-9 in the File, You'll see a Variable named password defined.
  • Just simply Change the Value of that password variable, to the Password you want.
  • And There you Go! Your Password is Changed, to apply the Changes, Restart the Project.

And If you Enjoyed All That, Then Star This Repository! 🌟

Initial Owner -- @Popstar Idhant